How To Attract A Capricorn Man In March 2021

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Combined with a New Moon in Pisces and the celestial energies of spring equinox, the Capricorn man is very much open to new connections and sparkling chemistry. Keep reading to find out just how to attract a Capricorn man straight to you in March 2021!

Capricorn is deeply in tune with his needs, inner desires, senses and emotions throughout March. The sun is in Pisces for most of the month, and this means his emotional body is brought to the front. 

He is dreaming more, in tune with natural cycles and rhythms, and generally in a contemplative and reflective mood. Pisces season means depth and awareness of spirit- self-awareness too! 

Combined with a New Moon in Pisces and the celestial energies of spring equinox, the Capricorn man is very much open to new connections and sparkling chemistry. Keep reading to find out just how to attract a Capricorn straight to you in March 2021!

How To Attract A Capricorn Man In March 2021

1. Appeal To His Love Of Partnership

Couple Love - Attracting A Capricorn Man In March 2021

The Libra Full Moon on the 28th opens a portal to a deep need for companionship. Libra sign is all about harmony, relationships, partnerships, connection and romance. Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, feminine/female sexuality, and sensuality. 

The Full Moon symbolizes a sense of personal (inner) completion and integration of one’s needs in love and intimacy. Capricorn is deeply affectionate and loving anyway – he needs a lover and partner he can call his own. He wants to be in a stable and loving, supportive and mutually respectful relationship.

So, the month builds up to this Full Moon highlighting relationships and soul union. It’s significant to let him know of your openness to love and commitment. Don’t go in all guns blazing – there’s no need to be full on – but do remind him that you are there and willing, potentially! 

Capricorn is an earth sign thus he may be slow to commit, he certainly has patience. He likes to go at his own pace, therefore the “potential” is good enough. 

2. Be Romantic & Sensual

Couple Sensual March 2021 Attracting A Capricorn Man

March is all about love, and this is due to Pisces season. Pisces is the most soulful, spiritual, compassionate and selfless sign of the Zodiac. This water sign is empathic, emotionally intelligent, intuitive and incredibly artistically gifted. Of course, they’re deeply romantic, dreamy and idealistic, qualities shared by Capricorn! 

Capricorn is an earth sign, sensual, down-to-earth, romantic and generous, and generally, water and earth blend well together. So, when the Sun is in Pisces (until the 20th) the Capricorn man feels at home, comfortable and relaxed with himself.

It’s okay to be romantic and sensual, therefore. Not only is it ok but he actually loves it, it makes you appear as a beautiful and self-loving woman. And you must know by now how much Capricorn loves respect, self-love, and integrity – personal convictions and ethics! It’s time to let your inner goddess shine. 

There’s a dreamy and ethereal quality to the air all throughout March. Romance and sensuality tend to be feminine qualities, as they are linked to the planet Venus. Feminine energy is closely linked to yin – the energetic quality of the moon, feminine energy, and the subconscious mind. 

Dreams and introspection are amplified in March. This guy is paying close attention to his dreams, to the signs and messages within them, and to subconscious insights that appear when he’s in a reflective and contemplative space. 

Talk to him about any wisdom or guidance you may have received from a dream, or about a vivid dream in particular, and you will find he opens up to you in a unique way.

3. Show A Sensitive But Assertive Side

Life is energy. Life is also an art, or, more specifically, a journey towards self-mastery. There is an art to mastering certain forces and opposites and then combining them into one unified whole. 

This March you will need to show your sensitivity balanced and harmonized with strength and self-assertion. Be strong, bold, courageous, and powerful – supremely confident and self-expressive, but also be modest and sensitive. Be aware of his inner drives and ambitions, his insecurities too. 

The Cap man is deeply sensitive with a number of hidden fears and worries, he just doesn’t always show it. In a crowd, you will stand out and dazzle him even if you can project a positive self-image. You must radiate inner power and self-authority, and a glow that says ‘divine spark.’ 

Humility combined with grace and social charm, wisdom and intuition – subtle insights and a powerful inner knowing, will surely win his attention. He finds women like this mesmerizing, and especially in March when there is such a strong magnetic-feminine energy. 

4. Be Innovative & Idealistic

Innovative and idealistic topics of conversation are favored. Visionary attributes are lit up, Pisces is all about vision and spirit while Aries is symbolic of self-leadership and stepping into power. It’s Aries season from the 20th, so with the spring equinox on the 21st there are a lot of opportunities to expand your own vision and his. Focus on broadening your horizons together. Think how you can build a connection through shared interests and passions. 

Invention, science and technology, innovation, creativity, the Arts, music, healing, alternative fields, and esoteric subjects can all be discussed. He is more open-minded than in other months of the year. 

Being ruled by Saturn means he is less spiritual and more conventional, he’s more aligned to traditional and conservative values. Yet, March is arguably the most spiritually aligned month of the 12, and this allows him to be more flexible and adaptable in his viewpoints. 

Let your visionary side shine. Talk about humanitarian topics and charitable pursuits, or sustainability and environmentalism. Discuss visionary art and music that expands consciousness, lifting the collective energy of humanity or raising your own vibration. Anything that aids is some spiritual or cosmic perspective will be warmly received. It makes you appear intelligent and attractive!

5. Let Him Express Himself

Capricorn Man Expresses Himself March 2021

His mind is racing with ideas in March. He is thinking more imaginatively and even seeing in terms of color! Yes, that’s correct: his right brain is lit up and enhanced, the right brain being connected to non-linear thinking, intuition, creativity and the free flow of information and ideas. 

The Capricorn man wants to converse and talk about a range of topics. He also wants to express his deeper feelings, his beliefs and the things he may at other times keep hidden. Capricorn is less reserved than usual. 

There’s a lot of compassion, non-judgmental and tolerant energy floating around the ether. The universe is projecting unconditionally loving and non-judgmental beams! Everything goes and flows with Pisces; all opinions and viewpoints are welcome. 

You can not only play on this energy; aligning with open doorways to connection, but further sync with him and his lifestyle (if you’re genuinely in synergy and harmony with each other). In other words, a strong bond can be formed. 

Capricorn is an earth sign, who possesses the qualities of commitment, security, responsibility, and an affinity with the practical and material aspects of life. If you can form a connection through your empathy, open heart, and acceptance, you will find an open and affectionate man who considers you soulmate potential…

Read next: 7 Ways to Go From Friends With Benefits to an Exclusive Relationship With a Capricorn Man

Final Thoughts & Key Astrological Transits

March has a lot of dreamy, magical, ethereal and idealistic energies in store. The New Moon in Pisces (13th) represents fresh perspectives and an alignment with beliefs and philosophies. 

Then there’s a Full Moon in Libra on the 28th bringing to light this man’s need for intimacy and partnership. Libra rules harmony within relationships, companionship and soul bonds. 

Remember to look up the Capricorn Man Secrets to remind you of his core personality traits and to learn more about this ground and loving man!

Wishing you light, love, and all the luck in the Universe on your journey!

Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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