A Special Opportunity For My Most Devoted Capricorn Lovers
Finally, A Guaranteed Way To Make Capricorn Man Fall CRAZY IN LOVE With You… Within Just 30 Days Or Less!
Amazing “Magic Phrases” Make Capricorn Chase, Love, And Worship You Like The Soulmate Of His Dreams
Imagine If You Had A Set Of “Love Spells” That Enchant Him Like Cupid’s Arrow… Making Him So Hypnotically In Love With You He’d Cross Halfway Around The World And Beg You To Be His One & Only Forever Woman…
Yes… Even If Your Signs And Love Languages Are Polar Opposites. And Even If He’s Been Pulling Away Or Not Giving You His Total Attention, Appreciation, And Devotion… These 100 Secret, ‘Magic Phrases’ Make Capricorn OBSESSED.
Use Them Today And Your Relationship Will Never Be The Same Again… Learn To Speak Your Capricorn Man’s Special Love Language … And You’ll Notice How He Is More Loving, Caring, And Romantic Than You Could Ever Imagine Or Wish For … Almost Overnight!
Any One Of These Phrases Has The Astonishing Power To Make Capricorn Suddenly SEE & Realize — Crystal Clear — You Really Are “The One” Perfect Woman He Needs To Walk Down The Aisle…
Just Casually Whisper Any Of These PHRASES Into His Ear… And You’ll Be SHOCKED How Quickly They TRANSFORM Your Love Into The Most Passionate And Fulfilling Romantic Relationship Of Your Life…
I Know This May Sound Crazy, But It Works So Well I Personally Guarantee It… Or Your Money Back!
. . .
Dear Friend, this is Anna Kovach,
And in the next few minutes I’ll show you an incredible new way to make any Capricorn guy fall CRAZY in love with you… just by using a special set of “magic phrases” that trigger instant love and attraction within his mind, body, heart… and soul!
I’ve never released them before and that’s why I’m so excited to share them with you first.
These exact same phrases have helped hundreds upon hundreds of my private clients turn their Capricorn men into the most loving, caring, charming and devoted partners… and all in a matter of just a few short weeks… sometimes in just a few days!
So many of you have flipped seemingly hopeless situations around by using a few of these magic, “remote-control” phrases on your Capricorn man.
But before I tell you how to do so, let me ask you a few questions first…
- Does your Capricorn guy ever act HOT and COLD, sends mixed signals or simply refusing to commit?
- What if he seemed really interested at first, only to suddenly pull away and act confusing… just when things were finally getting serious between you… and for no obvious reason?
- Are you really interested in him… but have trouble catching and keeping his attention?
- Or are you in love with him but not receiving the same kind of love back in return?
- Do you feel like you often misunderstand each other or mis-communicate and thus fail to connect on a deeper level?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these above, then you’ll want to listen carefully to what I’m about to say.
THIS like a lightbulb switches on in his head… realizing what a perfect match you really are and how much he suddenly craves, wants, and needs you in his life. Right now.
So much so he can’t imagine another day without you!
I know this may sound ‘too good to be true’, but bear with me…
Because if you’re a woman who’s dating one of those ‘complicated’ Capricorn men that is acting hot & cold or isn’t giving you the kind of love and attention you deserve…
Then this message is probably the most important one you’ll ever read.
Here’s why: What I’m about to reveal has never been published before & you won’t find anything like this anywhere else.
I’ve only been giving these phrases partially to my private clients…
“Say this: _______________!”
“Reply with: _______________ ;)”
“Text him: _______________?”
And their distant, “ghoster” Capricorn darted right back to them like a dog to its rightful owner. ‘Wiggling his tail’ and fighting for her attention.
THAT’s how powerful the right words are to a Capricorn man.
At first I was a bit reluctant to share these publicly… But when I saw what an amazing difference they’ve made to my clients… I knew I had to make them available in a practical, easy-to-follow program.
You see, Capricorn is astrologically programmed to respond to them in a good way…
It’s because they directly target his ROOT, primal-level and often hidden needs and desires. Think of these like the ‘Emotional Achilles’ Heel’ of his Zodiac sign.
These are often secret, emotional weaknesses, deep-rooted cravings and unmet needs that he may not even be consciously aware of.
Until… you push those emotional hot-buttons… and WOW… all resistance disappears and you’re speaking directly to his heart.
That’s why they work so crazy fast and why he can’t resist, he can’t ignore, and he absolutely LOVES hearing these phrases or even reading them as little texts or love notes on your fridge.
They PULL him to you like gravity… SO close and so fast!
I was thinking for months how I could put all of these phrases into one BIG collection, more like your advanced degree on Capricornology… so you can easily pick & choose the very BEST things to say or text in any situation…
And it’s often just a few simple words or short little sentence that makes Capricorn feel INSTANT LOVE & DEVOTION to you no matter what happened before and even if you just got into a bitter fight or argument!
These STIR HIS HEART & MIND almost automatically and there is nothing he can do about them other than respond in a loving, caring, favorable way… just like you want him to!
I just must warn you NOT to use these phrases on already married Capricorn men! And HOPE no other woman uses them on your Capricorn guy (before you do). Scary I know!
And even if you’re just looking for an extra spark of romance — these phrases instantly open the floodgates of love in your relationship!
I know this may sound too good to be true… and yes, it's a BIG promise for sure… but I personally guarantee these phrases can have an immensely powerful and positive impact on your relationship. Starting immediately.
In fact, if you just use these phrases for the next 30 days, I GUARANTEE you’ll experience a significant and noticeable improvement in your connection, communication, and understanding with your Capricorn man.
Because when you “speak his love language” like no other woman in his life ever could or ever will… you go straight to the root of his heart… pushing every single emotional, physical, and spiritual weak-spot that forms a deep and often “psychic-like”, soulmate-level connection between you.
He just won’t be able to believe how well you finally ‘get’ him and how well you get along. As if it’s meant to be! And who is He to question good fortune?
Now I have kept these Magic Phrases a secret and locked away, until I made sure every one of them is tested and works like a charm for my clients.
And at first I was a bit reluctant to share them because they could be used to manipulate a Capricorn man into falling in love with you. So please, use this knowledge responsibly. And I trust you’ll do so.
I’m now finally making it available, but just for you, my loyal fans and subscribers, and at a special promotional price before making it public.

DISCLAIMER: “Capricorn Love Language: 100 Magic Phrases That Make Him Chase, Love, And Worship You” is a digital product. The image above is for visualization purposes only.
Here’s just some of what you’ll discover inside the “Capricorn Man Love Language” course:
- HOW TO Speak His Special “Cosmic Love Language”… THIS Is The New, Shockingly Effective Way And ONLY WAY To Communicate With Your Capricorn Man — A Way He LOVES To Respond To, Cannot Resist, And Absolutely Cannot Ignore!
- Never Before Revealed Secrets About The Capricorn Man That Help You Instantly READ Him Like An Open Book… Even If He Doesn’t Say A Word! Think Of This Like Having An X-Ray Vision Into His Heart, Mind, And Soul…
- Develop An INSTANT Soulmate-Level Connection That Makes Capricorn Feel THIS IS MEANT TO BE And You Are DESTINED To Be Together… Even If You Have Never Met Before In Person!
- The GUARANTEED Way To Make Immediately Visible Positive Progress With Your Capricorn Man, Starting TODAY — Even If Your Relationship Has Been Stuck, Stale, Or He Has Been Pulling Away For Weeks, Months Or Even Years!
- Using JUST ONE “Magic Phrase” Can Guide Your Relationship Into A Better Place… Imagine What A Hundred Of These Love-Boosters Can Do For Your Connection…
- Does Capricorn ever get angry or distant? Learn WHY and the best way to respond in ANY situation… (Plus: How To Set “Rules” That Prevent Him From Doing So In The Future)
- The TRUTH About The Type Of Woman Capricorn Man LOOKS For, WANTS To Marry And Be With FOREVER… And How You Can Show These Exact Personality Traits He Can’t Resist… Even If Your Signs Are Polar Opposites… And WITHOUT Having To Change Who You Are! (Hint: all it takes is just knowing how to approach and respond in ‘tricky’ situations.)
- The “Lasting-Love Building Blocks” You Absolutely Must-Know & Understand About The Capricorn Man If You Want To Ensure Stable, Strong, And Unbreakable Love For Years To Come…
- PLUS: 11 Secrets Tips & “Best Practices” You Need To Know To Ensure Success & Encourage Love When Dating A Capricorn Man
- Want him to see you as “The One” he wants to keep forever? Get 15 Little-Know Truths About The Capricorn Man (That Nobody Told You About) But Every Woman Dating Him Absolutely Must-Know …
- The Biggest CHALLENGES in a relationship with a Capricorn Man… And The Best Way To Overcome Each And Every One Of Them!
- The TYPE of woman Capricorn is MAGNETICALLY attracted to… And How You Can “Model” This Behavior WITHOUT Having To Change Who You Are!
- EXACTLY WHAT ATTRACTS HIM LIKE A MAGNET… Magic Phrases that cast a ‘love spell’ so strong he falls like a house of cards… head over heels in love with you…
- WHAT PUSHES HIM AWAY… And Stops Capricorn From Taking Your Relationship Seriously (And The Easy “Cosmic Cures” To Reverse This Forever)
- How To Make Him See You As The Most Compatible, Most Interesting, And Most Wonderful Woman Of His Life…!
- Why You Absolutely MUST Know His Mercury Sign (And How To Find It In His Chart) And The Secrets His Mercury Position Will Reveal About Him & His Hidden Communication Style,
- EXACTLY What His Mercury Sign Means For You, Your Communication, And Your Relationship… And How To Take Advantage Of This To Make Capricorn Love You Even More!
- REVEALED: The Truth About Your Capricorn Man’s VENUS Sign (And How To Find It In His Chart) … Plus, The Secrets Amazing Secrets THIS Position Will Reveal About His Love Language!
- Your Capricorn Man Love “Cheat Sheet” With 33 Quick Tips & Secrets You Need To Know About Him If You Want to Connect With His Taurean Soul
- Dozens upon dozens of PRACTICAL and EXACT EXAMPLES of what, why, when, and how to say that build connection, love, and loyalty in his heart…
- “Affection-Booster” Phrases That Instantly Make Capricorn More Caring, Understanding And Receptive Of YOUR Needs, Wants, And Desires… WITHOUT You Ever Being Pushy Or Needy
- The Best Ways To Align Your Values And Vision (Even If They Are Radically Different) And Pull You Closer Even When You Don’t Agree About Everything,
- How To PASS THROUGH EVERY TEST Capricorn tries on you so he KNOWS you are the “REAL DEAL” Woman He’ll Walk Through Glass And Fire For,
- The Weird & UNUSUAL WAYS Capricorn Shows & Communicates Love… (Even When He May Seem Cold Or Distant),
- The CORRECT WAY To Show Your Love & Interest To A Capricorn Man… In A Way He’ll Be Compelled To Respond!
- The “Long Term Love Signals” That Communicate Your TRUE VALUE To A Capricorn Man And Make Him Picture A Future With You (And You Alone),
- I’m in the unique position to have personally consulted hundreds if not thousands of women in love with a Capricorn man… and have unique insight into this sign’s particular behavior
- Now You Can “READ” Him Like An OPEN Book… Cover To Cover… You’ll GET Him Better Than He Knows Himself… Know EXACTLY HOW he thinks (and WHY) He Thinks This Way By Taking A Deep Dive Into His Inner World,
- The Often Hidden Beliefs And Mottos Your Capricorn Man Lives & Loves By
- Discover All The Specific Nuances In His Behavior, Way Of Thinking And Expressions Of Love… Respond In A Way He Enjoys And INSTANTLY Connect Like No Other Woman In His Life Ever Could!
- What Is He REALLY Like? Dive SO Much Deeper Into His Love Personality And Finally Create The Relationship Of Your Dreams!
- The Easy Way To Deal With The Negative & Challenging Aspects Of His Personality… Like A Pro!
- The #1 Mistake Most Women Make When They Just Start Dating A Capricorn Man (And The Simple Way To Avoid This One)
- The Most Potent Strategy When Dating A Capricorn Man For The First Time… So It’s Almost Certain He Views You As “Marriage Material”… PLUS: The Top Do’s and Don’t Of Early Phase Dating (That You Can Use Later As Well To Respark Your Romance)
- The Right Way To Set Boundaries With A Capricorn Man So He Treats You With The Love And Respect You Deserve (Even If He’s Been a ‘Jerk’ Type Player Before),
- The Single HOTTEST Trait Capricorn Needs To See In You In Order To Find You Super Attractive!
- The Second Most Important Personality Trait That Capricorn Really Loves And Respects In A Woman And That Makes Him Consider Her As A Serious Potential Partner (And Woman He Should Fight For And Keep At Any Cost),
- What He Likes And HATES In A Relationship (The Specific “Red Flags” That Push Capricorn Man Away From Good Women),
- The #1 PROBLEM With A Capricorn Man (Hint: It's His Ego) And How To Handle It Like A True Professional (A Win-Win For Everyone),
- A Deeper Dive Into His Love Personality / Astrological Love Profile / Love Language… How He Communicates Love, How He Receives And Gives Love… How He Shows Love… If You've Missed It Thus Far,
- The “Secret Cheat Sheet” 1-Pager To Guide You To Relationship Bliss With Your Capricorn Man… Top “Best Practices” To Follow That You AVOID So Many Arguments And Instead Experience Love, Harmony, And Connection…
- The 100 Magic Phrases For EVERY POSSIBLE SITUATION You Can Imagine… That Make Capricorn Treat You Like A Drop Of Water In The Desert… Know Exactly What To Say Every Day In Every Single Situation!
- Phrases That Make Him CHASE You And Keep Him Interested In Marriage, Phrases That Make Him FALL IN LOVE With You…
- Phrases To MELT HIS HEART… And Make Him More Affectionate, Romantic, And Caring… Emotional Hot-Buttons That Unlock His Emotional Weaknesses, And Secret Desires
- Phrases To Deepen Your Connection & Build Trust With Your Capricorn Man… PLUS: Phrases To Show Support And Encouragement When He Really Needs You To,
- Phrases That Show You Respect Him (And Can Help Bring Him Back Into Your Arms If He You Are Not Together Any More)
- Phrases To Enhance Loving Communication And Cooperation, Phrases That Make Him Consider Your Point Of View… Phrases To Lift His Spirits… And Make Him Open Up & Share With You Even If He Never Did Before,
- And Dozens Upon Dozens Of Phrases That Make It Impossible For Capricorn Not To LIKE & Get Hooked On You… He Is Astrologically PROGRAMMED To These Just The Way You Want Him To!
- And Much, Much More!
. . .
I want you to use these to create INSTANT LOVE & ATTRACTION between you and your Capricorn man… starting TODAY… and stop wasting months or years trying to figure him out on your own or risk entirely losing patience and interest in each other.
Don’t let another minute pass not having this toolkit at your side.
And yes, this works even if you are polar opposites in love and especially when you are not often agreeing or seeing eye to eye. Then you simply can’t afford not to have them.
The depth of new knowledge & wisdom you’ll gain about him is unlike anything you’ve experienced before.
Capricorn becomes an open book you can motivate and interest him in you any way you desire… keeping him THINKING, TALKING, and DREAMING about you all the time… especially when you’re at a distance.
And when you are together… he’ll cherish each and every moment, making sure he’s your Knight in shining armor, your hero, your loving and devoted life partner.
But you don’t just have to take my word for it,
See below how women like you feel about my astrological guidance.
“I love the practical advice you give! I've followed astrology for years and with most of it is the same stuff repeated. BUT YOU ARE DIFFERENT!! You give new insights and advice that I've never heard before. Thank you!” - Alanna
“Thank you Anna... I appreciate your guidance - you have given me so many insights to stay on track while I get to know his sign better and all the things I've missed a long the way... It's a very exciting journey and mostly enjoyed because of what has already been revealed... x” - Lora
“I'm very impressed with how accurate your information is when it comes to my man's sign. It's helped me navigate the relationship in a totally different way than I ever would have prior. It's made our communication better because I understand where his actions are coming from, so I respond rather than react! I'm no longer feeling triggered or overly sensitive when he seems to appear more distant...I now understand his needs more deeply. Those are the times that I let him be and concentrate more on myself and my own needs. As a Life Coach it's helped me see how powerful this "inside track" can be in relationships. THANK YOU Anna!” - Deborah
“Well worth receiving and following Anna. She is very accurate and I find her highly intuitive! I never thought I would follow her, however after reading the report you will find she carries so much knowledge and is very warm and friendly always trying to help better your life!” - Lynn
“The information I received was very informative, and interesting. It really made me see things in a different way. And some of the tips worked well when I put them in motion. I like the fact that I will be able to reflect back on this information whenever I want. Thank you.” - Michelle
“So accurate! It was really helpful to me to understand the sing and things that I didnt know how to deal with! Now I have a deeper understanding and much clarity of how he feels and thinks, so I know how to act with him. Thanks a lot!!” - Diana
“I found the information Anna shared to be very helpful indeed..after using all of the tips she shared, I can honestly say that the transition which took place in my relationship with Mr Taurus, has been phenomenal..I'm truly grateful and would definitely recommend Anna's expertise on the subject of Astrology and how it affects our relationships..the great part is, its all so effortless when you have the right tools and the relevant information to use..I feel confident and calm and all is well in my World..Thanks to Anna” -Shantha
“Anna is amazing. I’ve been reading her publications to give me a better understanding of the man in my life through her knowledge of people through their sun and moon signs. Even after 30+ years of marriage I’ve learned better methods to communicate with him. And it happened because Anna shared her very special skill of understanding people from their horoscope signs. Anna is caring and supportive and truly wants to help couples to better understand one another. I would encourage anyone to read Anna’s work. She’s amazing.” - Barbara
“This lady is so accurate it’s scary how she described my guy. She is sooooooo good” - Lisa
“I am so impressed with Anna's guides. I have read taurus men dirty secrets and it is very accurate, perfect advise to understand his personality in so many areas. Moon in Aries gave me a complete idea about the emotional landscape of my man. Her newsletter about "how to conquer taurus every month, are the most comprehensive and value advice about how to approach him. She is an extraordinary astrologer.” - Gaby
“Anna’s work has given me so much insight on both past and present relationships- I’ve learned so much about my partner, and surprisingly, I’ve learned even more about myself. Finding the tools to better communicate in a way that is not only effective, but effortless has been the key in improving my relationship.” - Ashley
“I loved all the secrets Anna had to share and her personal stories made it feel almost like home... Iam definitely working on some and i already see a major change!!! If i had Money i would probably buy all her books amd maybe pay for travel expenses to follow her around lol... No Seriously i Usually do not take my time to leave any opinions not out of ignorance just timing... But I give her AA++ So i felt she deserved some good Feed back!! Thanks again Anna and i look forward to looking into some more of your Amazing Secrets!!!” - Jillian
“I never believed in astrology but after joining this page, I can say that this is mind blowing. I am really impressed by the results and the accuracy is insane !! Keep up the good work Anna !!” - Kim
You have nothing to risk and everything to gain by giving these Magic Phrases a try now.
I have no doubt it’s the best & most practical program I’ve ever published and I’ve created this specifically to help you have the fastest and most effective way to improve your relationship with a Capricorn man.
Don’t wait or waste another minute talking about things he DOES NOT care about or that do not interest him and push him away.
Stop wondering what you’ll say next or what he’s thinking or how he feels about you. Instead of guessing… experience the kind of passionate love you want from him.
Simply begin using these Magic Phrases today and WATCH what happens almost overnight.
I have spent years personally consulting thousands of women in matters of love and I know exactly how and why each phrase works (and you’ll know soon, too).
In fact, you’ll understand your Capricorn lover better than any other woman in his life ever has or ever will. Imagine what kind of incredible power and confidence this gives you when it comes to your relationship.
Think of this as your COMPATIBILITY SOLUTION because that’s exactly what it does for you.
It makes Capricorn man feel instantly more compatible with you… even if just yesterday he felt like leaving or entirely stopped communicating.
And if you just recently started dating and want to catch his attention and interest… this will keep his heart pounding with excitement whenever he sees your text or runs into you.
You won’t be able to keep him away from you and it’s only a matter of days or weeks before he’ll be the one - chasing you, texting you, calling you… fighting for your attention, love, and devotion. Praying you’ll pick him!
If this sounds like something you’d like to try, I urge you to get your copy below at a special promotional price for my newsletter subscribers and fans only…
As a valued member of my inner circle… you can have access to Capricorn Man Love Language: 100 Magic Phrases That Make Him Love, Chase, And Worship You for a fraction of the original price.
The regular price for the general public will be $97, and that’s still amazing compared to the results you’ll experience using your Magic Phrases…
Instead, for a short-time only, I’ve prepared a special discount OFF the retail price… this is your exclusive, one-time offer available for just a short time.
It’s packed with practical, easy to follow examples and insights you won’t anywhere else. Every phrase is like a relationship ‘magic pill’ with nearly instant positive effects on your love.
It’s super easy to use and you can start right now, 100% risk-free.
Sounds fair enough?
Click “Add To Cart” below to take advantage of your special discount while it’s still available.
Retail Price $97
You Pay Only $69
As always, your order today is backed by my 100% money-back & satisfaction guarantee. Try it now and decide later how these Magic Phrases work for you and your Capricorn man, completely risk-free.
In the unlikely even that you are not completely happy with your purchase, just email me within 60 days and I’ll issue you a prompt refund.
No questions asked.
That’s how confident I am you’ll be absolutely ASTONISHED by the secrets, new insights, and hundreds upon hundreds of ‘love nuggets’ you’ll discover inside.
I can’t wait to hear about your success!
See you inside!
Your sister & relationship astrologer,

“Hi Anna, you have really helped me to connect with my Leo man. We had a little hic-up in our relationship, and when I purchased you Leo Man Secrets, it helped me to understand him much more. We are getting along excellent now. Our relationship is moving forward to positive energy. I can't thank you for all your support when I write to you for advise. You head me in the right direction every time. You are truly amazing. Best wishes” - Sharon
“Thanks Anna. Your advised me thoroughly how to cope and much more about my relationship with my partner.and they all worked” - Carrie
“Thank you for road-mapping where I need to be with my special someone. Your books brought the one I love back in my life ! Thank you for your advice and knowledge on astrology.” - Regina
“Thank you Anna! The book I have purchased from you has helped me understand so much. The information is very useful & it is enjoyable reading!” - Carole
"Thanks Anna you are amazingly accurate and spot on ! Your books have been invaluable in helping me understand men ! Everyone should be using Astrology to help them understand the people in their life and the way explain things is so simple even for people who are new to astrology ! Please keep writing more books for us !” - Shanna
“What can I say but Wow! So insightful. Anna because of your guides and other useful tips and guides that you send or that I have purchased, I am forming a beautiful bond with a really great guy! Being an Aries, I am certain I would have chased him away or impatiently run away myself. The information is so golden to understand his temperament and the whys as well as putting me at ease by the knowing. I have also grown personally from the valuable information! Thank you!!!!” - Jennifer
Retail Price $97
You Pay Only $69
“You can have the relationship you want!”
Anna Kovach is known as the most sought after relationships Astrologer and advisor to commitment-seeking women across the globe. Anna's guidance and astrological insights have helped countless women get the relationship they desire.
She is famous for saving 'failed' relationships, helping women secure their 'One' and showing seemingly incompatible couples “how to speak the same language.”
She uses her gift and knowledge of Astrology & relationship psychology to help couples connect and gain an intense understanding of each other. All through the power of practical and accurate astrological advice that anyone can apply to their relationship — just without the hype, overcomplicated professional terminology or vague and confusing astro-speak.
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