Capricorn Man Horoscope for October 2024

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Are you wondering how October is going to treat your Capricorn man? Check out the October horoscope predictions for a Capricorn man...

Hello my dear, and welcome to the horoscope reading for your Capricorn man for October. The year is racing to a climax, and you’ll be pleased to know that the transits for this particular week offer the scope for some intensity, passion, emotional connectivity, and there’s also a bit of good luck and spontaneity.

In fact, it is a rather stimulating month on a number of levels, and that’s always good for relationships because it means there’s a variety of energies that you can tap into in order to remold the relationship. 

What’s important as well, is understanding the power basis of the relationship, tapping into the subtext, the context, the hidden motives and agendas that you and your partner have, and working with those in order to get a better result.

So often, I feel people fail in relationships because they keep on a surface, verbal level without understanding what’s really behind the facade, what’s behind the words, and what lies beneath. I feel this is a great time to uncover what lies beneath and then shift your overall perspective of the relationship to achieve relationship goals.

Here’s what the stars have in store for a Capricorn Man this October…

New Moon in Libra – 2nd of October

Now, this is a New Moon that is particularly motivating for a Capricorn man, particularly as regards its conjunction to Mercury, which has just gone into Libra. What it does is encourage ambition and the outlining of options, so he tends to feel the need to get organized, identify some strategies, and make plans.

One of the big traits of a Capricorn man, which I know not everyone likes, particularly if you are more spontaneous, is that he does like to plan ahead. During this time, he’s particularly eager to discuss plans with you, brainstorm, throw some ideas out there, and he also likes to talk about his career.

If you’re attentive and interested in his career, that’s great. If you’re dating, that is a key area you can discuss with him to get on solid footing, and he’ll love that you’re fascinated by his “wonderful” career.

And if you’re married, be ready for some work events, perhaps giving him feedback and advice, and just be aware that he may be spending more time at the office.

This is not the most romantic New Moon, but it’s certainly great for those couples who share ambitions and enjoy making plans together.

Jupiter retrograde in Gemini – 9th of October

This particular retrograde is also quite work-oriented. Similar to the New Moon, his workaholic tendencies and eagerness to get ahead dominate. Many of the transits happening this month can make him more remote, and Jupiter retrograde is one of those.

It puts him in a bit of a quandary as he struggles to balance different parts of his life, and he may feel out of sync. It’s like he’s working too hard—”all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. What you really need to do is gently distract him and coax him away from work without making him feel like you’re interfering with his ambitions.

Encouraging him to maintain healthy eating and fitness habits is essential right now, as he may resort to unhealthy coping mechanisms like soda, wine, caffeine, and coffee which only mask the cracks. This may be a time when you both need some downtime to de-stress and recharge.

Mercury enters Scorpio – 14th of October

Now, Mercury entering Scorpio is rather more complicated than it usually would be, as it enters Scorpio square Pluto, which is still in Capricorn. Therefore, a Capricorn man needs to be cautious.

In some cases, his more cynical nature will come to the fore, and in relationships, he could be a little bit suspicious. If you are part of a friendship group, be careful that he’s not becoming jealous of your friends.

If you’re dating, he might question whether you’re just flirting or if it’s something more. You really do need to assure him—issues of trust are so vital now. It’s important to put his mind at ease, but you also need to maintain your own boundaries.

Sometimes he might become more controlling or restrictive, which could make you feel the need for freedom. It’s a balancing act: don’t let him dominate, but also avoid feeding into his possessive, neurotic phase.

Sun enters Scorpio – 23rd of October

This transit often signals that you two need to get out more and have fun. However, given the tension of the month, that may not be what he wants to do. Where possible, it’s a good time for you two to mingle and socialize.

However, this could also trigger some of his jealous tendencies. The best course might be to attend work-related events and network, as this will align with his career goals. Your social life can feed into his professional aspirations, so attending work functions, even if they seem boring, can actually help your relationship right now.

It’s important to be a supportive partner and help lighten the mood, reminding him of his goals and how well he’s doing in working towards them.

Themes for a Capricorn Man this October 2024…

This isn’t a “plain sailing” month. There’s a lot on the agenda, and often, he is keen to talk and express himself. Some of the more assertive or even controlling aspects of the Capricorn nature come to the surface. Yes, he does want the relationship to improve, but he sets the bar quite high.

As his girlfriend, date, or partner, you may sometimes feel pressured to cater to his needs, and it might seem like he’s taking more than giving. It’s important for you to practice self-care, look after yourself, and not allow him to drain you or overstep the mark.

Relationship Motto: “Support each other’s dreams, but don’t forget to nurture your own.”

Magic Text Message: “I love how driven you are, but let’s take a break this weekend to recharge and enjoy each other’s company—just us.”


The moon waxes from the 2nd to the 17th of the month and this two-week period is perfect for new activities, dating, relationship goals and starting any new projects. After the 17th, you have to capitalize on what you have now achieved, reflect and take a grounded, more than a dynamic response.

Good for home improvements, purchasing furniture or DIY. Excellent for establishing a home office or new business from home.

This is an opportune time for dating involving long distance and any form of romantic interaction that requires excessive communication, particularly electronically.


Advertising and promotional activities are not favored. Not the best waxing phase to organize legal matters. Religious matters and higher education goals are not favored.

The waxing phase is not ideal for loans, mortgages or taking on more debt. Managing large sums of money is not advisable. Not a suitable time for tax and accounting changes. New sexual relationships aren’t favored. New research and development projects are not successful.

This is not a good time for international travel or new international business contracts. Publishing and advertising pursuits are not favored.

October 2024 Horoscope for a Capricorn Man (week by week)

Week 1: Cue Affection 

We’ve talked about the New Moon in Libra conjunct Mercury, stimulating his need to impress people, get ahead, and make an impression in his career, but there’s also a lucky water trine between Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer, and Saturn in Pisces, creating an impetus for romance, affection, and spontaneity in relationships.

It’s a great time to initiate, so take the bull by the horns and create a conducive environment where you can both feel like opening up and making love. Remember, the keyword is affection and playfulness in terms of love.

Week 2: The impossible balance 

The Sun in Libra is trine Jupiter in Gemini, making this a great time for new routines and ways of tackling your life. Sometimes, the best way to get your relationship on track is to be organized and create space for love by seizing opportunities.

There’s always time for work, worries, and anxiety, but successful couples always find room for laughter and enjoyment. To the extent that your life is in balance, you two can achieve the impossible, making your relationship go-getting and prosperous, while also nurturing affectionate natures.

Week 3: Blow the house down 

Venus is opposite Uranus in Taurus, and the Sun in Scorpio is about to square Pluto. This can mean that, as a couple, you need to be aware of everything going on around you.

Sometimes it’s not really about you and Capricorn Man; it’s about everything else happening in your lives—not only his career but also political, social, and economic factors.

Right now, it’s time to give each other a break, cut each other some slack, and not overfocus on any particular problems, as they are likely more connected to the dynamic atmosphere in the world rather than your relationship.

Make sure your relationship is the eye of the storm, the place where you can share reassuring messages and encourage each other, maintaining positivity so that whatever happens, the winds cannot blow your house over.

Week 4: Stay positive 

Venus in Sagittarius squaring Saturn in Pisces can mean this is a tricky week for relationships, particularly new relationships and those that happen online. If there are any doubts or insecurities he has about the viability of your relationship, these will be raised now. Don’t feel bad if he pulls back or wants some time, or even wants a bit of a pressure break as that’s okay, and you should go with it.

It’s just a case of his uncertainties getting the better of him, and he needs time to let those doubts settle before moving forward. Try not to have a knee-jerk reaction to anything. Stay positive about your decisions, and show faith in your relationship, even if there are momentary difficulties.


This is an important month for all relationships, because with the right attitude, they can grow stronger. However, sometimes trust and the levels of affection are a little fragile, so you need to reinforce your commitment to the relationship. This may require patience, particularly as he can be very preoccupied with his work.

Remember always to support him in his goals in the outside world, but also ensure a holistic approach to your relationship, so that work doesn’t become the be-all and end-all.

Make your Capricorn man OBSESSED…

Have you ever fantasized about being that irresistible woman in Netflix shows…

The one the leading man just CAN’T stop thinking about?

The sexy, affectionate protagonist would do anything for this woman…

He will go to extremes to get her attention and make her happy.

Now, let’s say the star of this show is your Capricorn man…

And you are the filler character who is secretly in love with this gorgeous man…

But is unable to get his attention.

Why is that?

Because you don’t have that “wow factor” that the irresistible girl he’s in love with has.

Well, it’s time to change the narrative.

I’ve created a list of challenges…

That will instantly make him chase youlove you, and OBSESS over you.

He will experience intense feelings he has never felt for anyone else.

Feelings he can’t ignore or suppress because you will connect to his heart in ways he instinctively responds to…

Precisely how you’ve always hoped he would.

The Challenge will become your guide to getting to the heart and soul of your Capricorn man…

And will take you to the heart of what makes him tick.

You’ll understand his deepest desires

And fulfill the emotional needs he may not even realize he has.

Through this step-by-step, day-by-day guide…

You’ll learn how to become the woman he finds UNFORGETTABLE.

The one who “got away”…

You’ll reignite his passion and capture his heart in ways he never imagined possible.

So much so that within just 30 days, you may completely transform your relationship…

Emotionallyphysically, and spiritually!

Click here to learn more about The Challenge.

I promise you’ll love it.

Sending you much love,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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