Capricorn Man And Scorpio Woman Break Up: How It Will Go?

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
What is likely to happen when the Capricorn Man and Scorpio Woman break up? Perhaps you feel he’s going to break up with you. Keep reading to find out more.

Do you know that it’s just not working out but are concerned with how things will go when you as a Scorpio woman want to end things with your Capricorn guy? Perhaps you feel he’s going to break up with you instead. What is likely to happen when the Capricorn Man and Scorpio Woman break up?

Why Would a Break Occur?

If you aren’t sure why a Capricorn would break up with you but yet you feel it coming, you probably need to know a few things. There are a few reasons why a Capricorn man would call it quits.

With Scorpio woman, he has a lot in common and it makes for a fun connection. However, your values may not align all that well. Emotionally speaking, you also may not be on the same page.

Capricorn man may be a bit more closed off than you are when it comes to expressing emotions. These are possible problematic areas you two may encounter while having a relationship.

The strong willed Capricorn man typically doesn’t move very quickly. He wants to progress slowly to let things build and so that the two of you really get to know each other. If you pressure him or try to get him to take things up a notch before he’s ready, he’ll call it quits or go cold.

Scorpio women aren’t typically pushy when it comes to getting into a relationship but they are a bit more outspoken than the Capricorn guy. Just her telling him what she wants may cause him to feel as though she’s asking too much.

Another thing that could be a huge catastrophe between Capricorn man and Scorpio woman is when she keeps getting emotional or moody. He absolutely hates drama and will avoid it the best he can.

If you have a tendency to be temperamental or overreact to things, he will not like this at all. He likes having a woman who can stand up for herself but remain relatively cool as a cucumber much of the time.

He loves Scorpio woman’s strength but he sometimes gets overwhelmed by her feelings and that makes him shut down or back off. This could lead to break up if it happens too many times.

Can You Avoid A Break-Up With Capricorn Man?

Capricorn Man And Scorpio Woman Break Up

It’s possible if you haven’t been together for too long, you may still be able to recover what went wrong with proper communication. You can talk to him and be as honest as you can without being too emotional about it.

Go at him with logic and tell him what happened that made you feel the way it did and then possibly suggest a solution that both of you can live with. Perhaps when you get overwhelmed emotionally, you can step out and calm yourself.

This may help you to better talk to him effectively and without too much drama though, you may not like how he responds which could set you off again. You two seem to butt heads more often than not.

While this match has some potential, it’s also not high up on the “make it forever” list. I’m not saying it’s impossible but I am saying that both parties may realize it’s too much work and too much “pleasing” each other. It becomes exhausting.

The only way you might avoid break up is by talking and making sure that both of you have everything out on the table. This way there is no mistaking how you both feel and where things are headed.

The Inevitable and What the Break-up is Like

For the Scorpio woman, she will feel all sorts of feelings which will make her off balance for awhile. The Capricorn man will do what he does best which is go cold, go silent, and if he is around her, he will probably turn into a turbo jerk.

The Capricorn man is known for acting like he doesn’t care, pays more attention to his phone or television, will make himself scarce, or will be really rude so that his partner knows his displeasure in her.

This is provided he hasn’t already told her how he feels and that he wants to break it off. When it finally does come out, Scorpio woman may be the one who initiates the break.

She will have quite enough of his distance, coldness, and his lack of giving a damned. She will probably pull the plug. She will be quite upset about it and may even try to seek revenge on him depending on how bad he actually was.

Once she’s done what she can to justify her actions, she’ll finally start to move on and put the pieces of her life back together. Capricorn man on the other hand, will probably carry his failure for quite some time.

This will make him colder for other women going forward. He’ll put up more of a fence or a wall to his heart and make the next lady work really hard for his love. He won’t open up easy and he’ll stay on guard.

Would these two ever get back together? If the passion is hot enough between them and they authentically love each other then yes, they could actually get back together if that’s what they both want.

The Overall Picture Of Capricorn Man And Scorpio Woman Break Up

Capricorn Man And Scorpio Woman Break Up

These two can go either way. Either they’ll make fabulous lovers that can rescue their relationship or they will set each other off enough that they will both decide it’s too much and walk away.

The pair can absolutely make it but it will take a bit of tweaking. The trust is there between the two but they have to learn how to communicate without so much emotion coming into play.

Talking to each other frequently and opening up will help them figure out how to maintain the love they have. They CAN avoid break up if they truly want to but it will depend on how bad things were before the break.

If you’re ready to understand more about how compatible are Capricorn man and Scorpio woman, check out my brand new Capricorn Man and Scorpio Woman Love Compatibility Guide, and if you want to catch him and keep him click here to learn more about Capricorn Man Secrets.

Share your story (or situation) with our community in the comment section below (don’t worry, it’s anonymous).

Wishing you all the luck of the universe

Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

18 thoughts on “Capricorn Man And Scorpio Woman Break Up: How It Will Go?

  1. My long distance boyfriend (Capricorn) and I (Scorpio) been dating for 3 months. Everything was great. We made future plans with eachother and also had planned trips in the near future. One day I got extremely upset and called it quits. Obviously it didn’t sit well with him. 3 days later we talked about it and I told him my reason for doing it but definitely didn’t mean it and I want us back together. He told me that he doesn’t think that he can look pass the fact that I broke up with him because I was being irrational. I’m hurt!! We have a Denver trip planned in less than 6 weeks with his family (which I’m super close with because I knew them before we actually started dating). I ask him what are we going to do about Denver and his reply was we can still share the same room. Also, I had plans to visit him and son in VA with my son. That was going to be our first time introducing our boys to one another for Christmas. I told him that I was going to cancel that trip. Should I cancel? Do you think we still have a shot in getting back together? I really do love this man but he’s being a little to calm about the breakup. Btw I know that I was wrong but I want my man back. Is it worth it?

    1. Hi Krystal!

      I think that you should ask him what you should do in reference to the trips. He needs to tell you if it’s alright that you go or if he’d prefer you not go. Also when you broke it off, even if you didn’t mean it, he saw that as a betrayal of trust. That’s hard to get back with a Capricorn. It’s not impossible but it takes time to build it back up basically. If he loves you enough he’ll give you another chance but he won’t make it easy by any means. He may also hold it over your head for the rest of time. Talk to him honey. Ask him the hard questions and get your answers!

  2. Sounds like he’s tired of your emotional ups and downs in the meantime he’s thinking about the relationship with you is worthy or not so that he’s calm and taking some time to figure out a way what to do while imagining how it is going to be

  3. I (Scorpio) in a three year relationship with my Capricorn ex boyfriend and he dumped me because I have slight chances of giving natural birth and it has been eight months since we broke up but lately he keeps popping in my life and his reasons being” just wanna say hi” … Could this Capricorn man be willing to be back together? But to be honest I don’t want him in my life anymore

    1. Hi Samantha!

      Either he wants to see if there is still something there with you or he wants to maintain a friendship. I think if I were you, I’d reach out to him and ask him about it. Maybe he can give you more insight on it. If you aren’t willing to do it then you should just let go and and move on. Blow him off. You can wave back but just blow him off. He’ll get the hint and go away.

  4. Hi my name is Rick and I am a capricorn and I have a long distance relationship with a girl that is a scorpio. She decided to end things out of nowhere and said “I don’t think I am a good person for you” then she said” is because i do not want to make you feel bad or ilusión you and what if at the end there is nothing between us “ can you tell me why she called it quits? Sincey by Rick’

    1. Hi Rick medina!

      Scorpio’s are typically wounded people. They are born not trusting anyone and if they’ve been hurt by someone (very likely as they are sensitive souls), they will safe guard their hearts in whatever way they have to. Long distance isn’t good for Scorpio. They love lots of love and physical attention. Not being able to have that makes them leery of the person they are with. Since she has no promise of things working out and no true knowing that you two will end up together, she feels insecure and thus pulling back and out. Security is hard enough to build with a Scorpio but when it’s long distance, it’s harder. Unless you can rectify the distance, this may not change. I hope this helped give you some insight Rick. I wish you the best!

  5. Hi ,
    I’m a Scorpio female , my friend is a Capricorn guy. At first things were great . He’s a party promoter so I sort of knew what I was getting myself into . He reassured me though that would respect me always and even though we aren’t In a relationship and just dating that I was the only one he talks to. Well I don’t have any proof that he was lying but my intuition and his actions prove otherwise . He ended up staying out all day from 2 pm – 6 Am with a group of guys and girls that I don’t know . He reached out to me the next morning as if everything was good but I had already had my mind made up that I was done . As this is his 3rd time doing it and I asked him to stop . I still see the good in him though. I ended up blocking him from all social media and even my cell phone because I felt hurt from how he just acted like what he did was no big deal . He got mad and text me from another number calling me insecure , immature , and to stay out of his life . I’m going to ask this silly question . Should I completely give up hope ? I am not reaching out by any means necessary but a part of me is hoping that he will realize the mistake he made and adjust so that we can be on better terms .

    Thanks ,

    1. Hi Shay!

      Yikes so you know you two are not in a committed relationship and only dating yet, you’re thinking like a jealous girlfriend. Trust me, this is what he will see if not already. He’s going to remind you that you’re only dating and so you shouldn’t get upset about stuff like this. He doesn’t feel like he did anything wrong at all. If you are only dating, you shouldn’t see it as a huge ordeal. You have to decide if you can deal with that or not because if you don’t, he will never see value in committing to you at some point. You need to decide if you can accept him as is or if you want a commitment with someone. You should check out my book “Capricorn Man Secrets” for more information.

  6. I’m a (scorpio ) an i have a friend that’s a capricorn I always go by his work to check on him an his mom he let me stay in his shop we talk all the time. I was work a time an I told him I was coming to see him he said no he was to busy like around 7 o’clock in the night he text me saying he want to make love to me so he text again an said call him I called an he was drunk well I told him I would come by him an he ask where im at I said home but he then changed his mind an said next time but it never happen mouths pass he got sick he text me saying call him I call I tell him I love him an when he got better all things change I stop calling him I stop texting I just don’t know what to do i love him but know I put up key own wall

  7. I’m a (scorpio ) an i have a friend that’s a capricorn I always go by his work to check on him an his mom he let me stay in his shop we talk all the time. I was work a time an I told him I was coming to see him he said no he was to busy like around 7 o’clock in the night he text me saying he want to make love to me so he text again an said call him I called an he was drunk well I told him I would come by him an he ask where im at I said home but he then changed his mind an said next time but it never happen mouths pass he got sick he text me saying call him I call I tell him I love him an when he got better all things change I stop calling him I stop texting I just don’t know what to do i love him but now I put up my own wall on him

  8. I have a friend that a capricorn he really hard to read he work selling an I visit him I call him but things is on a down fall I call him a time an he hang up on me I was angry about it but I give him his space for seven days I don’t know if he love me I just don’t know what to do im a scorpio in love I tell him my feelings I always say I love him I need a guide right. Now

  9. Ok here goes. I’m 55 and a Scorpio. He’s 68 and a Capricorn. We met in 2009. I fell in love with him. I think he also fell in love with me too. But neither he or I confessed it to each other. 2010 we got passports and traveled out of the country on vacation. 2011 we purchased a house together even though we weren’t married. So 2012 2013 2014 all seemed to be well and even 2015, well maybe. But certainly 2016 we were arguing off and on. I would get emotional and he would get stubborn. I told him that he would have to stop talking to me so very badly or else. Well this went on for some time. Till one day in the fall of 2017 he told me that he wanted out of our relationship, that he’s done and we’re done. He then moved out of the master bedroom we shared together and into the guess bedroom. Then he bought me out of my portion of the house fair and square, paid me off. I told him that I would move out and that I was going back to the east coast. However, I changed my mind and didn’t move out. So it’s now March 2020. I’m a squatter! Still living in this house, if you call this living. In the master bedroom alone, sleeping alone. He’s retired. Im still working. When I’m in the house and he’s here, if it’s not raining, he’s in the yard or in his shed, out of my sight. This is an awkward situation and a toxic unhealthy relationship. He has let me go. But I guess I haven’t let go to move on. He’s cold. I don’t know how much more of this I can take. Maybe i’m more stubborn than him. We never married. I think that he’s way too cheap to pay to take me to court to evict me and he doesn’t want this to get physical. He just wants me to pack up and be gone. I know that would make him happy but I’m not happy about any of this so…I’m not happy staying and not happy to leave. Signed…broken hearted

    1. Hi Broken hearted!

      Oh my… this is a tricky situation sweetheart. If he’s adamant that it’s over, it’s not helping your cause by staying in the house. Yes, this is why he’s trying to be away from you as much as possible. I’m so sorry it didn’t work out but you shouldn’t hang on to a dead end. I mean it’s not going to help you win him back by sticking around for as long as you can. You’re pushing him back further and further. The only way that there may ever be a chance is if you move out and live on your own for a good while allowing the situation to mellow out and heal. Perhaps if things CAN heal between you with time, you may still have a chance but while you’re still there, you don’t have it. My heart goes out to you sweetheart!

  10. Re submitted…due to name change…however, my email address remains the same… thank you ??

  11. Hello,

    I am a scorpio woman 29 and he is a capricorn man 31.
    We met through our families who wanted us to get married.
    6 months back we met for a couple of times and really clicked. He told me he likes me very much. Gave me gifts and also texted me every single morning without a miss.
    Then my ex boyfriend came into the picture. He was emotionally hurt with the break up. And I felt I should give that relationship time to heal before I start another one.
    So one day I abruptly told the capricorn man that let’s stop talking for a while and that I will get back to him after a few months because I need to deal with my ex. I apologised ofcourse. Many times.
    He was super hurt. Because I had already become close to him.
    Now when I texted him he doesn’t reply. What do I do? I’ve waited for 20 days for his reply. Should I just let him be for a while?
    What do you think his intentions are?
    Because he didn’t formally close it off but didn’t try to patch up again.

    Thank you:)

    1. Hi Veda!

      Ouch yes, I can see why that would be hurtful to Capricorn man. That’s something that stings and sticks with a person. He may forgive but it’s going to take awhile. He may have lost respect and trust with you which is hard to recover from. It’s not impossible but you’re going to have to let time dictate what will happen between you two. I do wish you all the very best sweetheart!

  12. I was in a long distance relationship with a Capricorn male for a year & two months. Towards the end, he struggled communicating & I thought nothing of it because of how hard he was working. He always made sure to message me late when he finally got home & said, “Hey! I hope you had a great day! I love you baby ❤️“. But then family members & friends brought up some stuff about his ex. I then emotionally went off in a long drawn out text. The next day he called me saying that he hadn’t been messaging so much because he was picking up extra shifts so that he could get a new car to visit me more. He then expressed how much he loved, missed, & cared for. He explained all his plans for the first time of marriage & kids & his plans to get us there within the span of years. It was so big for him because he never plans for the future & he was even tearing up at how much I went off causing him of cheating on me. We were great for two weeks & then he broke up with me. He said that he truly deeply cares about me, but felt I deserved more than he could ever give & felt that if we continued down the path of uncertainty, then I would resent him. It has been 5 months since the breakup. He went from not reading my texts to now typing as if to respond. We both love each other so much & this is killing us both. I just need him to communicate even if it’s just to ask me how I’ve been.

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