How to Attract a Capricorn Man in December 2020

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
How to attract a Capricorn man in December 2020? Draw the attention of a Capricorn man or improve your relationship with one in December!

Every month the planets change signs and affect our relationships. Depending on the planetary movements, you may not always understand the needs and desires of the Capricorn Man. 

However, there are simple things that you can do based on the monthly energy to improve your relationship with the Capricorn Man. Find out how to attract a Capricorn Man in December 2020.

Attracting a Capricorn Man in December 2020

1. Give Him Space To Breathe

When it comes to love and relationships for the Capricorn man in December 2020, there is only one word to describe what he needs and wants the most, space

From December 1 until December 21, the Sun in thrill-seeking and handyman Sagittarius will spotlight the Capricorn man’s twelfth house of ending and completion. 

In astrology, the twelfth house is typically ruled by Pisces, the sign of spirit, imagination, and universality. 

If you notice the Capricorn man is more spiritual or empathetic in December, this is why. 

However, unlike the sociable month of November, Sagittarius’s go with the flow (mutable) fire energy inspires the Capricorn man to surrender to what is. 

During this transit, he is being encouraged to take a moment away from the noise of the world and blissfully dream. 

As a cardinal earth sign always focused on material gains, this may be hard for some Capricorn men. 

But this is where you come in, you can teach him that he can still be involved with the world and have space for the important soul work he is doing. 

Through your consistent and positive support, you will encourage the Capricorn man to release his pessimistic behaviors (self-doubt, procrastination, refusing to move) and absorb the free-spirited energy that Sagittarius season is here to give. 

Just remember that he wants space, so you need to make the most of the time you have. 

Rather than talking all the time, go for walks, take a swim — enjoy quiet active moments together that allow you to strengthen your connection in silence and allow the Capricorn man to burn off extra steam.

Sauna date, anyone? 

2. Spend Time With Loved Ones And Close Friends

Although December 2020 is a tough month emotionally for the Capricorn man, he still takes pride in building a legacy and happy holiday season for his family and friends. It’s a major part of his life mission. 

From December 1 until December 15, Venus, the planet of love and money will spotlight his eleventh house of friendships and community support in Scorpio. 

Because Scorpio is the sign of joint resources and wealth, and the eleventh house rules groups and visions, the Capricorn man is in a giving spirit. 

You can find him intentionally wrapping presents or working with those in need — any way he can give back to those who will receive it. 

During this transit, the Capricorn man is attracted to the woman with a kind and altruistic spirit. 

He wants someone family-centered and loyal. Someone he can lean on and trust to support and sustain his vision (and good deeds) when he’s not around. 

More than anyone, Venus in Scorpio reminds the Capricorn man that beyond the love, sex, and emotional affection, what he wants is a friend. 

Therefore, if you want to attract this giving man, you will need to do more than have a pretty smile. 

If you want the Capricorn man in December 2020, ask yourself, do I have a good heart, a friendly spirit? 

That’s what he needs.

3. Help Him Build Wealth Or Increased His Value 

3. Help Him Build Wealth Or Increased His Value 

For the past year, Jupiter, the planet of luck and opportunity, and Saturn, the planet of discipline and limitation have traveled through the enduring sign of Capricorn.

However, for the first time in over thirty years, Saturn and Jupiter will both be entering Aquarius until late 2021 and 2023. 

During this long transit that begins on December 17 (Saturn enters Aquarius) and December 19 (Jupiter enters Aquarius), the Capricorn man is focused on building a sense of value and leadership through his daily work. 

He will be looking for ways to expand and simplify how he earns money and secures his wealth. 

Because the Capricorn man is a man of professionalism and tact, he is most attracted to a woman who strengthens his long-term goals and financial desires, not someone who just spends his money and gets in the way. 

Therefore, if you want to attract a Capricorn man in December, you have to not only help him build value and wealth, but help him stay focused and grounded along the way. 

For example, the second house deals with one’s fundamental needs like eating, showering, sleeping, paying bills, and cleaning your space. 

With Saturn and Jupiter both in his second house for the next twelve months, how can you assist in making his life function smoother? 

Is it researching the best kitchen appliances and meal planning services? Is it helping him balance his checkbooks or keep track of his receipts? 

In no means am I saying you are a secretary, but the Capricorn man wants someone he can build with, not for!!

By showing an interest in helping his daily affairs function smoothly, he knows you are here for the long-game. 

He will spoil you accordingly! 

Read next: 6 Secret Ways That the Capricorn Man Expresses Love

Final Thoughts

Overall, if you want to attract a Capricorn man in December 2020, give him space to heal, spend time with family and friends, and help him organize with his daily affairs. 

If you are serious about starting your journey to unconditional love with a Capricorn Man, my guide Capricorn Man Secrets is better than any daily, weekly, or monthly horoscope app you’ll ever read. 

Instead of just giving you the basic knowledge of the Capricorn Man, I share real-life stories and examples of women who have been where you are and now have the relationship of their dreams.

In this intuitive guide, I’ll share with you my top secrets on winning the heart of the Capricorn man. If you’re ready to stop chasing the Capricorn man, purchase Capricorn Man Secrets here.

After you’ve purchased my guide, Capricorn Man Secrets, take the free love and compatibility quiz to find out if you and your Capricorn man are a match.

Let me know your results in the comment section below.

I look forward to hearing from you. 

Your sister and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach 

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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