How to Get Over a Capricorn Man (7 Effective Tips)

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
You’ve realized it’s time to move on from your relationship with a Capricorn. Here are my 7 effective tips to get over your Capricorn ex...

Breaking up with a Capricorn man isn’t easy… His steady presence, ambition, and unwavering loyalty can make it hard to let go, even when you know the relationship has run its course. If you’re wondering how to get over a Capricorn man, you’re not alone—many women struggle to move on from a connection that once felt so stable and promising.

Capricorn men aren’t the type to disappear without a trace. Even after a breakup, you might still feel his energy lingering, whether through unanswered questions, mutual responsibilities, or memories that refuse to fade.

He may not be openly emotional, but when a Capricorn man commits, he does so with long-term intentions, making the detachment process even more difficult.

But here’s the truth: Getting over a Capricorn man requires both emotional and mental shifts. You can’t just “wait it out” and hope the feelings disappear. You need a strategy that helps you regain your power, rebuild your confidence, and create the space for something new…

So, if you’re ready to release the past and truly move forward, here’s how to get over a Capricorn man once and for all…

So, How to Get Over a Capricorn Man (7 Effective Tips)

Letting go of a Capricorn man can feel like an uphill battle, especially if you were deeply invested in the relationship. His presence was likely a steady force in your life, making it even harder to imagine moving forward without him. But no matter how strong the connection once was, holding onto the past will only keep you stuck.

The key to getting over a Capricorn man isn’t just about distracting yourself or pretending you don’t care. It’s about actively shifting your mindset, reclaiming your personal power, and understanding that closure comes from within—not from him.

If you’re ready to break free from emotional ties and truly heal, here are 7 effective ways to move on from a Capricorn man and start fresh…

1. Try to Cut All Ties

This won’t be easy, especially if you have shared responsibilities like a business, children, or even just a pet. Capricorn men are all about responsibility, so chances are, there are still lingering connections that tie you together.

But cutting ties doesn’t just mean emotional ones, it includes the practical ties too. If you still share a streaming account, a phone plan, or even just a group chat with mutual friends, consider creating some distance.

Do you really want to see his name pop up every time you log in to watch your favorite show? Or get a glimpse of what he’s up to and wish you were there with him? Of course not…

And how can you truly move on if reminders of him keep appearing in your daily life? Whenever possible, sever those small, lingering ties, especially the ones that seem insignificant but constantly bring him back into your mind.

It might sting at first, but trust me—you’ll feel a huge sense of relief once that door is firmly shut.

2. Respect His Boundaries

Capricorn men aren’t exactly known for being emotionally expressive, and you probably felt this while dating him. In fact, his struggle with emotions might have even played a role in the breakup.

Because of this, once things end, he may completely withdraw. He could cut you off, block you on social media, and seem as cold as ice. It’s not necessarily personal, it’s just how he copes.

This will be tough, but you absolutely have to respect his boundaries. If you push against them by texting him late at night, showing up at his place, or trying to break through his emotional walls, he will only retreat further. And unlike some signs that might lash out emotionally, a Capricorn man’s version of a fight is a cold, impenetrable silence.

Instead of chasing, give him space, and more importantly, set boundaries for yourself, too. Respecting both his need for distance and your own emotional well-being will help you heal faster and move forward on your terms.

3. Throw Yourself Into Work

Your Capricorn ex is probably dealing with the breakup the only way he knows how—by burying himself in work. Capricorns are wired this way. When emotions feel overwhelming, they turn to their goals, responsibilities, and ambitions to regain a sense of control. So why not take a page from his book?

Many of my clients admit that, at some point, they put their careers or personal goals on the back burner for love. It’s natural—you pour your energy into a relationship, especially in the beginning. But now? It’s time to shift that focus back onto yourself.

Think about ways to grow professionally and personally. Can you take on a new project? Ask for a raise? Start a side hustle? Learn a new skill? Use this as an opportunity to level up.

Not only will this keep you busy and help rebuild your confidence, but let’s be real—there’s no better revenge than becoming the most successful, thriving version of yourself. Let your glow-up speak for itself!

4. Get Back Out There

Capricorn men don’t like sitting with their emotions for too long, so don’t be surprised if you hear he’s already dating again. But here’s the truth—he’s likely not truly over you. Instead, he’s distracting himself, trying to fill the void in the most practical way possible.

So why should you sit around feeling heartbroken while he’s out there moving on? You don’t have to rush into anything serious, but reclaiming your confidence and self-worth through dating can be a great way to shift your focus.

Enjoy the fun of flirting, meeting new people, and remembering how desirable you are. This isn’t about revenge, it’s about reminding yourself that love didn’t end with him. You deserve attention, affection, and excitement. And who knows? You might just meet someone who makes you forget all about your Capricorn ex.

5. Rebuild Your Self-Esteem

Capricorn men have a way of hiding their own insecurities behind a wall of confidence. But the truth is, many of them struggle with self-doubt. And sometimes, whether intentionally or not, they project those insecurities onto their partners.

If your Capricorn ex left you feeling not good enough or questioning your worth, it’s time to rewrite that narrative. The truth? You were always enough—he just couldn’t fully see or appreciate it.

So now, it’s all about what makes YOU feel powerful again. Maybe it’s crushing a new career goal, diving into a new fitness routine, or expressing yourself creatively. Or maybe it’s as simple as getting a bold new haircut or refreshing your wardrobe—sometimes, a physical transformation can spark an internal one!

Whatever it is, do it for YOU, not to prove anything to him. Because when you truly love yourself, you won’t waste a second doubting whether he ever did.

You may also want to readCapricorn Man Dark Side: 11 Capricorn Negative Traits to Watch Out for

6. Create New Routines That Are Just for You

If you dated a Capricorn man, chances are your days followed a structured rhythm because these guys thrive on routine! Maybe you always grabbed coffee at the same place, worked out at a set time, or had predictable weekend plans together.

Now, it’s time to break away from those old habits and form new ones—ones that are all about YOU. Switch up your morning routine with a new workout spot or a fresh playlist. Try a new café instead of the one you used to visit together. Maybe start a Saturday ritual just for yourself, like a yoga class or a creative hobby.

The key is to make new memories that have nothing to do with him. It’s a small but powerful way to reclaim your space, your time, and your sense of self without any lingering reminders of your Capricorn ex.

7. Give Yourself the Love You Deserve

Let’s be real—Capricorn men aren’t exactly the most emotionally nurturing partners. They may provide stability, but their tough, no-nonsense approach can sometimes leave you feeling emotionally drained.

Now is the time to pour that love and care back into yourself. Treat yourself with the same kindness, patience, and attention you wish he had given you. That might mean taking long, relaxing baths, booking a massage, prioritizing self-care rituals, or spending quality time with loved ones who truly appreciate you.

Self-love isn’t just about pampering, it’s about rebuilding your heart from the inside out. The more you nurture yourself, the more you’ll radiate confidence and emotional security. And when you’re in that space, you naturally attract the kind of love that truly values you.

Does a Capricorn Man Move on Quickly? Here’s the Truth…

I get this question all the time: Does a Capricorn man move on quickly? And the short answer is not really, but it depends on how deeply he was invested in the relationship.

Capricorn men are ruled by Saturn, the planet of structure, commitment, and discipline. They don’t rush into relationships, and when they do commit, it’s usually with long-term intentions. So, if a Capricorn man truly loved you, he won’t just move on overnight…

However, here’s where things can get confusing. Capricorn men are masters of emotional control. Even when they’re hurting, they won’t let the world see it. Instead of drowning in heartbreak, they bury themselves in work, routines, and responsibilities, making it seem like they’ve moved on effortlessly.

But don’t mistake his silence for indifference. He processes pain in private, and rather than dwelling on emotions, he focuses on self-improvement and long-term goals.

If you see your Capricorn ex dating again quickly, it doesn’t necessarily mean he’s over you—it could be his way of regaining control or distracting himself from the emotions he’d rather not face.

So, do Capricorns move on quickly? If he truly loved you, no. But he’ll do everything in his power to appear like he has.

Read alsoCapricorn Man Weakness in Love (7 Hidden Struggles)

FAQs On Breaking Up With a Capricorn Man…

Breaking up with a Capricorn man can feel confusing, especially since he tends to keep his emotions guarded. You might be wondering if he truly cares, if he’ll ever come back, or how he handles heartbreak.

Here are some of the most common questions I get about breaking up with a Capricorn man…

1. Will Ignoring a Capricorn Man After a Breakup Make Him Miss Me or Move On for Good?

Ignoring a Capricorn man after a breakup can go one of two ways. If he still has feelings for you, he may start to miss you and wonder why you’re no longer chasing him…

However, if he believes the relationship is truly over, he’ll take the silence as confirmation to move on. Capricorns don’t waste time on lost causes, so if you’re ignoring him to get a reaction, be careful—it might just push him away for good.

2. How to Fix Things With a Capricorn Man When He’s Stubborn and Distant?

Capricorn men don’t easily change their minds, but if he still cares, rebuilding trust is possible. Approach him with maturity, honesty, and a clear intention—no emotional outbursts or unnecessary pressure. Acknowledge any mistakes (without over-apologizing), give him space, and slowly prove through actions, not just words, that you’re serious about making things work.

3. How Do You Get Rid of a Capricorn Man Who Won’t Let Go?

Capricorn men don’t like to give up, especially if they’ve invested time and effort into the relationship. If you want to move on, you have to be direct, firm, and consistent.

Avoid mixed signals, cut unnecessary ties, and don’t engage in drawn-out emotional conversations. The best way to get rid of a Capricorn man is to show him that the relationship no longer aligns with his long-term goals. Once he sees no future, he’ll let go.

You may also want to read:

Is Your Capricorn Man Playing You? 11 Warning Signs to Watch For

My Capricorn Ex Keeps Contacting Me, Does He Still Love Me?

7 Subtle Signs a Capricorn Man Is Not Over You

If You Listen To Dating Coaches, You Can Lose Your Capricorn Man Forever…

Over the years, I’ve had a lot of my clients send me advice they got from dating coaches.

They wanted to know if it would work with their Capricorn man.

And I literally wanted to scream with frustration.


Because most dating advice definitely will NOT work if you use it with a Capricorn.

You see, Capricorn men are VERY different from men of other signs.

And if you use standard dating advice with a Sag, it can backfire.

He might disappear forever and you’ll never hear from him again.

I don’t want that to happen to you.

Especially when it is SO easy to draw him to you and get him to connect deeply with your heart.

You just need to know the specific phrases to tell him…

So he’ll NEVER want to lose you.

He’ll be wrapped around your finger

And it won’t take him long to put a ring on that finger either.

These phrases are the EXACT thing you need to turn everything around with him.

So… for heaven’s sake…

DON’T listen to normal dating coaches!

They give out the same advice for ALL men… which is absolutely insane.

Because your wonderful Capricorn is NOT like other men… at ALL.

Click here to find out the specific things your Capricorn man needs to hear to melt his heart.

Sending you love,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

One thought on “How to Get Over a Capricorn Man (7 Effective Tips)

  1. my problem in brecking up with my Capricorn man , I just don’t understand the reason his giving to me why he breacks up with me
    everything w43302892as going to well ,sex good he was just perfect in everything a man that would be loved by any woma . One day he just didn’t speak to me , when I call dint answer nothing complity ignores me
    fanily when got hold of him , he told me he cant go out with me because his parens said I have put muti for him to love like as in witchcraft him . I lought my tougn out , but he wanted me back at the same time had moves on with orther woman. He wanted me to be there for him when he need me , don’t know how to get over this guys and I love him so much

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