Capricorn Man Dark Side: 11 Capricorn Negative Traits to Watch Out for

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Wondering what are a Capricorn man's negative traits? Here is a Capricorn man dark side, and his most common toxic traits in love...

Capricorn men are known for their ambition, loyalty, and discipline, but when it comes to love and relationship, the dark side of a Capricorn man can be difficult to handle. If you’ve ever been involved with one, you’ve likely experienced his intense focus on success, emotional walls, and sometimes frustratingly cold demeanor.

Ruled by Saturn, the planet of responsibility and structure, a Capricorn man takes everything including relationships seriously. But that same seriousness can make him rigid, emotionally distant, and difficult to connect with on a deeper level. If you’ve ever felt like your Capricorn man prioritizes work over love or struggles to express his emotions, you’re not alone.

So, what are the Capricorn man’s negative traits, and how do they affect your relationship? If you’re dating one—or thinking about it—here are 11 Capricorn man bad traits you need to watch out for…

A Bit About Capricorn Men…

Capricorn men are strong and ambitious. These qualities are probably what drew you to him in the first place. These guys are hardworking and know what they want out of life; there is something really attractive about that. 

A Capricorn is an earth zodiac sign which means that he is stable, secure, reliable, grounded, and very resilient. You can count on your Capricorn man for basically anything and know that he will be there for you no matter what. 

His ruling planet is Saturn, one of the more difficult planets to be ruled by, however, this means that your Capricorn man is responsible, serious, and willing to do what it takes to fulfill his dreams. 

It also contributes to him being “in charge” or on top. It makes him take leadership roles even where they aren’t necessary. This includes being in a love relationship. He tends to want to call the shots.

All these Capricorn man traits are lovely and definitely make for a very committed and stable partner, but there is still a very dark side to the Capricorn man that you need to be aware of…

When he’s dating, he comes off as arrogant at times and rather cold at others. He’s a mystery. You start to get to know him then he throws a wall up to let you know that you’ve gotten to know enough for now.

He wants you to get closer to him, but he doesn’t want to risk himself or his heart, so he backs up after he starts to become too cozy. The Capricorn man is the righteous rebel. He goes against the norm but lives to high standards.

Dark Side of a Capricorn Man: 6 Negative Traits to Watch Out for

Perhaps you have seen a glimpse of the dark side of Capricorn men… It can be a little unnerving if you’re not used to it at all, but it is best to be warned than surprised when you see that there is a negative side to Capricorn men.

Here is a list of the most common negative traits a Capricorn man might have…

1. Strong-Minded & Stubborn

The Capricorn man is known for having a real stubborn streak. If he wants something a certain way, he’s not easily willing to bend on it. That’s not to say he won’t but it will be hard to convince him to.

He thinks the way that he does things or the way he perceives things is the correct way. He finds logic in it and doesn’t make decisions based on emotions. So, this is why he tends to not want to bend with situations.

It’s a hard thing to prove to him why he is wrong if he IS wrong. The best thing you can do is show him the logic in why he may not be correct. Don’t call him out though, as he’ll see it as an attack.

He has conviction and knows that what he’s doing or what he’s thinking is right and there is no changing his mind. Sometimes he can actually be a bit selfish as well.

2. Arrogant And/Or Unaware

One of the most frustrating aspects of the Capricorn man dark side is his arrogance. He knows he’s something special and isn’t afraid to flaunt it. Confidence comes naturally to him, but at times, it can come across as superiority. Ironically, while he dislikes cocky or boastful women, he often carries that same air of self-importance himself.

Beyond his self-assurance, he can also be emotionally unaware. A Capricorn man’s logic-driven nature makes him dismissive of feelings he doesn’t see as relevant. This can make him seem cold or even inconsiderate, as he struggles to recognize how his words and actions impact those around him.

His high standards and relentless pursuit of success can sometimes make him seem like a snob. While he may not intend to act superior, his need for excellence in every aspect of life can give off the impression that he believes he’s above others—even when he doesn’t realize it.

3. His Perfectionist Nature

One of the defining traits of the Capricorn man dark side is his relentless pursuit of perfection. In his mind, he already embodies everything that is ideal so any flaws in a relationship must come from those around him, not himself. His high standards extend to every aspect of his life, from his career to the company he keeps and, most importantly, to the woman he chooses as his partner.

A Capricorn man expects excellence, but his definition of perfection can be rigid and, at times, unrealistic. He wants a woman who is strong, independent, well-mannered, and emotionally balanced, someone who appears flawless in the way she carries herself.

Here’s more on what a Capricorn man likes and dislikes in a woman.

Ironically, despite his own arrogance and inability to recognize his flaws, he’s quick to notice imperfections in others. He’ll dig deep, scrutinizing potential partners in a way that can feel almost like an evaluation rather than a natural connection.

However, when the right woman comes along—someone who meets his high expectations—he will recognize her worth and commit with unwavering loyalty.

4. Mood Swings Are Intense

The Capricorn man is mostly stable but he can have a tendency to be in a bad mood from time to time. This is especially true if something is going on in his life that causes him distress.

When a Capricorn guy has this type of mood, he becomes negative, pessimistic, grumpy, and could say things he doesn’t really mean. He may pick an argument or is set off easily by small things.

This type of mood is best avoided if at all possible. If you talk to him on the phone or see him in person and can tell he’s in a not-so-nice mood, it might be best to just leave him alone so he can work things out with himself. If you notice him ignoring your texts, this might be the reason why.

You may also want to readHow To Deal With A Capricorn Man Sending Mixed Signals

5. Seems Rather Pessimistic

The Capricorn guy sometimes really seems pessimistic when you talk to him. You may be excited about something, and he has to be the Debbie Downer that tells you the facts and how you might want to reconsider.

He can take someone who is super excited about something and make them decide they maybe don’t even want to do it anymore. He’ll tell you the cons of what you’re considering.

He doesn’t mean to scare you off or make you feel bad. He genuinely thinks he’s helping you by playing devil’s advocate. This can also make him seem as though he’s combative even though all he’s doing is telling you what he believes to be a reality.

6. Cynical & Downright Dark

I mentioned him playing devil’s advocate, but that’s not all. Sometimes he just seems really negative. Everything you say that is positive, he has a counter to it, and it becomes quite frustrating.

It takes a special woman to call him out and let him know that he’s being too negative for him to really even realize he’s doing it. Some Capricorn guys are a bit narcissistic as well. They think the world revolves around them, or at least it should.

He always thinks he’s right and that he’s Mr. Moral. The truth is, those are his morals, not everyone else’s. He has high expectations of friends, family, and lovers.

He often keeps a small circle of friends because honestly, no one else can live up to what he thinks they should be. At an extreme, the Capricorn man can become depressed or even develop addictions.

Dark Side of a Capricorn Man in a Relationship (5 More Things To Be Aware Of If You’re Dating a Capricorn Guy)

Whenever one of my clients gets involved with a Capricorn man I feel the need to give her a big warning sign. This is not an easy man to be with, he is very complicated and there is a definite dark side of a Capricorn man you need to be aware of when dating him.

Here are some things to look out for:

7. He’s Uncaring Or Cold

To a Capricorn man, emotions are a waste of energy. Therefore, he’ll always deal with life situations based on logic. He’s a bit like Spock from Star Trek. “That is not logical” is how he will answer emotionally-based choices.

Sometimes he just seems cold-blooded find out more about why a Capricorn man goes cold here. If you’re doing something that is emotional, he will look as though he really doesn’t care. He isn’t the best at comforting those who are hurting on the inside.

8. Unsympathetic To Your Plight

All the Capricorn man wants to do is take care of you in the best way he knows how. He isn’t good at sympathizing with how you’re feeling or with what your desires are.

A Capricorn man understands life’s passion but most of this is wrapped up in his job/career. He wants to succeed in the best way possible and as such, feels that everyone else should have this same focus.

He’s built differently than most men. He’s the “breadwinner” type that wants to be the head of the household. Even if he isn’t really, he wants the illusion that he does have control.

9. Arrogant Or Narcissistic

Some Capricorn men can swing to the extremes when it comes to feeling that they know what is best for themselves and everyone else around them. They know it all and won’t easily accept anyone else’s ideas.

He may come off as someone who cares more about what he likes or what he’s doing than what anyone else wants. He’s self-aware and he very much feels that he has a handle on most things.

He knows he’s intelligent but he makes himself seem very cocky when he’s being assertive. Being assertive is alright if you’re going to use it for something positive. He, on the other hand, uses it for other things that are more pessimistic.

His thoughts or ideas are always better than anyone else’s. At least, that’s what he believes anyway. This is what gives him the arrogance that people see. He seems like a “know-it-all” that you really just want to walk away from.

He knows he looks good too so don’t ever try to tell him differently or he will shun you after he puts you in your place. While he is very handsome, his attitude can make him start to look ugly.

10. Demanding In His Way

The Capricorn man has his own set of morals and standards. He expects most people to live up to it and when they do not, he is ready to boot them out of his life for good.

That being said, if you’re in a relationship with a Capricorn man, you need to know that he’s going to be demanding of you. He’s going to have high expectations of what you should be and how you should treat him. You might even feel like your Capricorn man is done with you with the pressure he puts on you to be perfect.

This can develop into him expecting too much and demanding you to be in a way that goes against your grain. Be careful and be sure to stand up for yourself. While he’s demanding, he doesn’t like doormat types of women.

11. Jealous And Untrusting

One of the more challenging aspects of the dark side of a Capricorn man in a relationship is his deep-rooted jealousy and distrust. Possessive by nature, he believes that what’s his is his alone, and he has a hard time letting go of control when it comes to love. He isn’t the type to openly express his suspicions, but he constantly observes, analyzing every detail to ensure his trust isn’t misplaced.

If you’ve just started dating a Capricorn man, don’t expect him to trust you right away. Even if he appears affectionate and engaged, he is likely holding back, keeping his doubts to himself. He tests people over time, only opening up when he feels absolutely secure.

However, once a Capricorn man begins to trust you, you’ll see subtle shifts in his behavior. He will share more of his thoughts, spend more time with you, and let down some of his emotional walls. But make no mistake—betray his trust, and it will be nearly impossible to regain it.

Read alsoWhy Are Capricorns So Hard To Love? Find Out Here

FAQs On Capricorn Man’s Negative Traits

Are you struggling to figure out what to do about your Capricorn man and all of his negative traits? Well, luckily for you I have complied a list of questions that might come up in your relationship. Hopefully, this can help you navigate the difficult times you might experience with your Capricorn man.

Are Capricorn Men Selfish?

There is a side to the Capricorn man which is totally shocking to see and that is how selfish he can be. This is probably something he has had to learn at work. A Capricorn man loves to chase the corporate ladder of success and has very well learned how to “play the game.”

This can make him a little ruthless and selfish. He’ll just do things because it is in his best interest to do so without a care for how it will affect anyone else in his life, and unfortunately, this trait gets passed down into his romantic relationships as well.

He is quite lucky that he has a strong ability to detach himself from people emotionally – it is kind of psychopathic how he won’t really feel remorse even after he has wronged someone.

He is so preoccupied with getting ahead and being successful that he has the tendency to forget about others and only think of himself. This is a very bad trait a Capricorn man generally tends to have.

Do Capricorn Men Have Mood Swings?

Absolutely! Capricorn men have very intense mood swings and it can make it difficult to ever know what side you are going to see. One moment your Capricorn can be happy, goofy, and full of jokes, and then the next he is sullen and grumpy. It is hard to keep up.

This makes him quite an unpredictable partner to be with because you might feel like you always need to walk on eggshells when you are with him. All you can really do is be patient with him.

His moodiness comes from his inability to access his emotions, in fact, he is downright terrified of looking within and feeling what he actually feels. This is why Capricorn men tend to become addicted to something, be it work, sex, alcohol, or sometimes even drugs.

Their moods are so intense that they somehow need an escape to get them out of their heads. I wish more Capricorns would go for therapy because this would certainly help the moodiness they tend to feel.

Capricorn Men And Depression: What To Do If You’re Dealing With A Depressed Capricorn Man?

When a Capricorn man becomes depressed, and yes, this can happen often, they tend to become quite reclusive and want to spend time on their own for a long stretch. This can be quite a difficult challenge to be in a relationship with.

They will avoid all communication or keep it at a bare minimum. It can be so hard for a woman to see her man be consumed by darkness like this. And sometimes this sadness turns into something much worse and that is anger.

You may think that your Capricorn man has no reason to be sad or depressed; he has everything he has worked so hard for. He is ambitious, smart, and very successful, but remember, at what cost? It took him a lot of sacrifices to get to this point. Imagine all the people he had to hurt to get here.

It is very hard for Capricorn men to let go, especially from mistakes they may have made in the past. They will beat themselves up for it and suffer in silence because they think they have somehow failed.

A Capricorn will always be his own worst enemy. He knows he is the key between feeling happy and unhappy, but sometimes he just can’t shake that feeling that he isn’t good enough.

All you can truly do to help him is to be patient and let him know that you are there for him. Try not to put any pressure on him during this time. Be kind, be helpful, but also remember to give him his space because that is exactly what he wants and needs.

Are Capricorn Men Narcissistic?

Capricorn men definitely seem to fall into a trap of narcissism. They like to be seen and valued in high places. However, all of this actually stems from deep-rooted insecurity of not feeling like they are good enough, sadly.

It is a mask they wear to the world to cope, and eventually, it becomes very real and unfortunately part of their personality. This is why a Capricorn man should be encouraged to pursue other parts of his life, like the invisible parts, such as his spirituality, to help him cope and see that there is much more to the world than just work and success.

But the more a Capricorn man gets the taste of the good and high life, the more he enjoys looking down at people from his self-imposed pedestal. All this insecurity has led them to want to overcompensate which leads to pretentiousness and an inflated ego. It is all connected.

A Capricorn man should really prioritize accepting himself and realize that he doesn’t need all these bells and whistles to be happy, however, it may take a lifetime for him to figure this out.

Are Male Capricorns Toxic?

They definitely can be. It is apparent to note that in The Tarot, The Devil card which represents things like addictions, seduction, hedonism, obsession, and dependency is Capricorn’s card.

While Capricorns definitely have their positive traits, they also have their much darker ones which sometimes they feed into more often. This can lead to a man who is incredibly toxic, especially in a romantic relationship.

Just look at this list I have compiled to see why. If a Capricorn isn’t evolved and hasn’t done some inner reflection and work then he may be a terrible match to get involved in a relationship with.

He will drag you down, make you feel insecure, and expect way too much from you. This is a lot of pressure for a woman to have to deal with.

Stop Crying Yourself To Sleep About Your Capricorn Man…

It can be SO painful to worry about how to make things work with a Capricorn man who won’t commit.

I know. I’ve been there with many of my friends dating Capricorn guys.

I remember my very close friend crying herself to sleep at night, worried that her man would never commit to her.

She lost sleep, time, and even work hours, all because she couldn’t figure out how to capture his heart and get him to commit.

As a friend, it was hard to watch her go through that.

But I knew how good he was for her, and I didn’t want her to give up on him.

Even when our other friends were telling her to move on, I could see that he was the most incredible man she had ever met.

How could she just give up on that?

But it wasn’t easy.  It took a LOT of work.

She had to learn how to speak a different language… his love language…

And it worked!!

So if you are ready to sleep like a baby…

Knowing your Capricorn man is MADLY in love with you…

And never feel anxious about him again…

Go here now and learn to speak you Capricorn man’s love language.

Sending you love,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

10 thoughts on “Capricorn Man Dark Side: 11 Capricorn Negative Traits to Watch Out for

  1. Omg! What an eye opener this is, a total truth. Wth was this in 2016 when I could’ve then used the insight? I have to chuckle bc they don’t love easily, are cold like winter, aren’t conversationalists, but when they do voice their thoughts, you’re blown away. And that love they may hold is real until they see your flaws, never you mind b own

      1. They are selfish and entitled bordering narcissistic. It’s their way or the high way. They want an independent woman but when hooked they want the independence gone and they want to be the boss. They are never wrong.

    1. Hi LMC! Yes, the Capricorn man has some traits that are mind-blowing. They also have some amazing traits that are endearing. He’s a mixture of things and it’s important to know what all it is before you decide to write one off. Patience and great care need to be taken with the Capricorn man and with time, he cultivates into being someone who will truly be loyal, loving, and protective of those he holds dear. It takes time to win their heart but when you do, you have it for life. Perhaps you’d like to check out my book also. You can read “Capricorn Man Secrets”.

      1. Omg Anna Kovach!!I’m so happy today.
        I came across this website yesterday ,in hopes of understanding the compatibility between a Virgo and a Capricorn.Even though I’ve been eyeing him, I never really made the move.After reading your book,I saw that I just needed to be “me” lol because it’s speaks more of “my personality” with a bit of a twist.So last night, I called him for pizza at his place and it just happened! we got really talking and honestly didn’t know we were gonna have sex,and at that moment He said “he was at peace and didn’t wanna let me go”. I gotta say the Capricorn men are amazing truly.
        Ps: he is my neighbor on the same floor.
        Thanks for helping finally get ma Twin flame

        1. Hi Gold!

          Wow! That’s wonderful news. Thank you for sharing. I hope things are still going well between you and your Capricorn guy. Just remember be patient and let things flow naturally and you just may succeed. I wish you all the best!

  2. Yeah…you shouldn’t have flaws. The relationship has to benefit a Capricorn in some way: either financially, or you have to take care of their emotional needs – cause they have low self esteem and don’t know how to deal with emotions well. Even the females are like that. Both male and female tend to suppress and self sabotage. A Cap will love you until he notices that you have flaws – maybe baggage from your childhood, or you’re in a tough situation. Then, instead of comforting you, he will think ‘how is this going to impact ME – why should I have to deal with other people’s problems?’ It’s really cold, but they’re naturally selfish and self-preserving…It doesn’t matter if you’ve helped them or lifted them up time and time again: they feel entitled to good treatment and eventually take it for granted. Yep…I’m sure there are some more evolved Caps out there, but as you can see, I’ve been disappointed by all the Caps in my life.

    1. An evolved Capricorn, that’s exactly how I describe myself. One in control of my emotions but always aware of them and never afraid to express them or show vulnerability. I’m an Aries moon do the whatever I feel is coming it however I do have the self control and discipline of a Capricorn to display in a way that I choose. I actually prefer a Capricorn man in a sexual sense as he is one that can keep up. Now Capricorn men are not very emotional but they are pretty loyal in most instances. Capricorn are tricky though you may never know how they feel from worlds but only through their actions. I’m dating one now who I see as very selfish and somewhat boring too, but not because he is a Capricorn but the youngest child in his family used to getting his way. My patience and our sexual chemistry keep me there and he is also very successful. Pay attention to their actions moreso than words.

      1. HI Jaci!

        You are correct. Patience is a huge part of being with a Capricorn man. Their actions often speak a whole lot louder than their words. They show romance and love in their own way. I’m glad you pointed out your guy’s flaws as far as it being more because he’s the baby of his family. That is all very true. I’m happy you’ve been figuring out what is right for you. Keep doing that!

    2. Hi Yuja!

      I’m so sorry to hear you’ve had so many troubles with Capricorns in your life. In my experience most of them do not have self esteem issues. They may be difficult to deal with when it comes to emotions but it takes proper communication to break through with them. Learning that is the hard part for sure. Figuring out a formula that works well is something that the right woman for them has to know or learn. Perhaps Capricorn isn’t your perfect match darling. I wish you lots of love!

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