What If A Capricorn Man Acts Like He Doesn’t Care?

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
You’re completely in love with a Capricorn man but he acts like he doesn't care? Why is your Capricorn man holding back? Here are some reasons.

Hello, my gorgeous ladies. My heart really breaks when I get an email from one of you that says “My Capricorn man acts like he doesn’t care.” This really shouldn’t be the case when you are in a romantic relationship with a man.

This is why it is important that you perhaps know what are the signs a Capricorn man just wants to be friends. It is better to know where you stand with your Capricorn man than to get too involved with someone who just doesn’t feel the same.

You might think that if you are patient he will come around and be the partner you have always dreamt of, but this isn’t always the case. So how long to wait for a Capricorn man? And is it worth it?

If you are currently struggling with this, then keep on reading to find out how long you should wait for a Capricorn man.

What Does It Mean When A Capricorn Man Acts Like He Doesn’t Care?

It can feel pretty heartbreaking when you are so in love with a Capricorn man, but then he simply acts like he doesn’t care. Nothing is more devastating and can really drive a woman to madness.

There are so many different reasons why this might be happening, but I want you to know that the reason for this usually has a lot more to do with him than it has to do with you. So if he is acting up like this, then please don’t take it personally.

When a Capricorn man acts like he doesn’t care, it could mean that he really isn’t interested in you, or perhaps that he is so in love with you, but he is afraid of his feelings. Anything is possible with this earthly Zodiac sign.

You need to understand that Capricorn men are very serious, but sometimes it can be quite tough for them to express their emotions. Vulnerability is a very difficult thing to experience for a Capricorn, so he would much rather run away from it than feel like he was going to get hurt.

Another reason a Capricorn man goes silent is because he’s aware of your feelings and perhaps isn’t on the same page. He fears that he will hurt you, and because you’re a good person, he tries to be subtle by going quiet.

He needs time to process and tell you what he’s thinking or feeling. The Capricorn man goes quiet when he needs to reflect and figure out if this is going to be something he grows from or something he should walk away from.

Surefire Signs A Capricorn Man Just Wants To Be Friends (And Doesn’t Want A Relationship)

He Doesn’t Want To Spend Time With You

When a Capricorn man just wants to be friends, he is unlikely to prioritize you very much. The thing you need to understand about him is that his career will always be the most important thing in his life.

But when a Capricorn man is in love, he will prioritize her and make time for her in his life. He may just see you as a friend and think it is okay to only check in once in a while. If he isn’t making a lot of effort to see you, then chances are good that your Capricorn man just wants to be friends.

He Asks For Advice About Other Women

When you are only a friend to a Capricorn man, he may feel safe enough to confide in you about his problems such as his love life. When he isn’t interested in you, he is likely going to ask you advice about other women. 

This just shows that he sees you as a confidant and someone who he trusts, but he definitely isn’t interested in you romantically. If he was, he would never do this. He is probably totally unaware of your feelings for him, and this is why he does it.

He Doesn’t Text You Or Reach Out

If your Capricorn man rarely texts you or reaches out at a minimum, then chances aren’t very good for a romantic connection with him. He obviously texts you now and then, but this is because he only sees you as a friend.

If you were more of a romantic priority for him, then he would definitely be texting you a lot more. A Capricorn man in love values connection and wants to feel close to you, but if he just sees you as a friend, he’ll reach out whenever he feels like it.

Check here for more telltale signs a Capricorn man doesn’t like you anymore.

Capricorn Man Confusing Me — Why Would He Go Silent When He Likes Me?

He Isn’t Sure About Commitment

Capricorn men tend to take their time when they commit. They want to be sure that you’re going to stand the test of time and remain who you are.

A Capricorn man won’t commit without being certain of what he’s doing with himself and where his future is headed. That is why a Capricorn man wants to be friends first and foremost.

That means that if he isn’t sure about you, he won’t be sure about being in a relationship with you. That doesn’t mean that a Capricorn man doesn’t like you. It’s more that a Capricorn man hasn’t decided you’re the one yet.

Perhaps He Isn’t Into You

There is a chance that your Capricorn man just isn’t that into you. When a Capricorn is not that interested in a woman, he might become distant and silent.

If a Capricorn man tells you he only wants to be friends, he is being very serious and isn’t just saying it for the heck of it. I’ve had a few women write in and say he tells them that, but they feel he has feelings for them.

No, if he tells you he doesn’t, he doesn’t. He may also feel his life isn’t lined up for any relationships at all. As such, he will blow you off for anything more than just a friendship.

Just remember that sometimes it starts out with only friends and develops into more. This is why a Capricorn man wants to be friends first. It’s part of the process of dating him.

Something else you need to know is that a Capricorn man won’t commit to someone he doesn’t feel a connection with or feels at least compatible with to some degree.

The Cautious Capricorn Mind

As you may have read in some of my other articles, the Capricorn man usually takes an inordinate amount of time before he’ll commit himself to someone special. He has to be sure, and then be sure some more.

A Capricorn man isn’t one to quickly dive into something that he isn’t sure of. He doesn’t throw caution to the wind. So if you’re involved with a Capricorn man, you can expect to wait until he is sure of you and of the relationship.

If you know he’s not being cold with you and hasn’t “friend-zoned” you, just give him time to come around. If you truly care about him, you’ll be willing to wait and give him all the space he requires.

There is no need to hurry up or push him into something he’s not sure of. If you do try, he’ll likely push you back, and then you’ll be left wondering what just happened.

He May Be Waiting For You to Speak Up

Capricorn men are typically into women who are independent and know what they want from a man. If you’re sitting back and waiting for him to take the lead, he may not be aware.

It’s possible he has no idea how you feel or what you want, which would make him proceed as though nothing is happening. In this case, you may want to speak up and make it known what you want.

If you never tell him what you want or where you see things going, he’ll never actually know for sure, thus holding back on pushing things forward. Why would you try to cultivate something you aren’t even sure is there?

Make sure he understands you want something more with him. Once he has that information, he can then decide if he wants the same thing or if he feels like one of the other options I’ve mentioned in this article.

You may also want to read: 11 Warning Signs A Capricorn Man Is Playing You

Will A Capricorn Man Make The First Move?

A Capricorn man is actually really shy and reserved as a person. This may come as a surprise because he is so ambitious in his career and really wants to be successful in his life. But when it comes to his romantic life, things are a little different…

Relationships make Capricorn men feel really insecure. These guys are deathly afraid of getting hurt and will do absolutely anything to protect themselves from heartbreak. Intimacy can be very scary for a Capricorn man.

This means that Capricorn men are very slow to make the first move, they are the type of guys who would rather get to know a woman as a friend and then maybe in the future take things to the next level.

It is so important to take things very slowly with a Capricorn man, so patience is definitely required. But, when a Capricorn man does have feelings for you, he will do whatever he can to have you in his life. As long as things go according to his pace.

FAQs On Capricorn Man Distancing Himself

Do Capricorns Like To Be Friends First?

When it comes to matters of the heart for your Capricorn man, he is definitely the type of guy who would rather want to be friends first with a woman than immediately jump into a relationship.

When a Capricorn man goes into a relationship with a woman, he wants to be 100% sure about her. Longevity and commitment are very important to a Capricorn man, this is why he won’t waste his time on a casual relationship. Starting as friends is always the best for him.

How Do You Know When A Capricorn Man Is Losing Feelings?

It’s possible he’s been through the wringer in another relationship which makes him a bit gun shy about getting into another relationship. Perhaps he’s still carrying around emotional baggage.

If he isn’t ready, he’ll likely just tell you that though. He won’t be one that will act like he’s hot for you but then shies away. Not to say he can’t do the hot and cold act, he can and will, depending on the circumstances.

What I can tell you though is, that they have high integrity and will often just tell you that they’re still wounded or are dealing with past garbage and are simply not in the right space or time to begin a new relationship.

How Long To Wait For A Capricorn Man?

When you have feelings for a Capricorn man, it can be difficult to let go and move on. These guys really take their time when it comes to romantic relationships. They aren’t the type to rush into things.

However, as a woman, this can be very frustrating. You obviously want to know where things are going and if there is potential for something in the future. But it can be tough to know how long you should wait for a Capricorn man.

The best course of action is to be patient and understanding with your Capricorn man, and this may take a while. But, you also need to recognize what your boundaries are and how long you would be willing to wait.

Only you can make this decision. You’ll know when things stop feeling fun and when you can see this relationship isn’t going anywhere.

How To Read The Signs That Reveal When A Capricorn Man Decides You’re The One?

When a Capricorn man decides that you are the one, you will know. He is the type of guy to put you first and prioritize you like nobody else. He will make you understand that he is committed to you and that he chooses you, over and over again.

A Capricorn man doesn’t just settle down with just anyone, when he asks you to be his partner, then you are basically the one because like I have mentioned before, a Capricorn man really doesn’t do casual dating. 

Read nextHow Does A Capricorn Man Test A Woman?

End Anxiety About Your Capricorn Man…

It can be SO painful to worry about how to make things work with a Capricorn man who acts like he doesn’t care.

I know. I’ve been there with many of my private clients dating Capricorn guys.

I remember my very close client crying herself to sleep at night, worried that her man would never commit to her.

She lost sleep, time, and even work hours, all because she couldn’t figure out how to capture his heart and get him to commit.

As a friend, it was hard to watch her go through that…

But I knew how good he was for her, and I didn’t want her to give up on him.

Even when her other friends were telling her to move on, I could see that he was the most incredible man she had ever met.

How could she just give up on that?

But it wasn’t easy. 

It took a LOT of work.

She had to learn how to speak a different language… his love language.

And it worked!! 

So if you are ready to sleep like a baby…

Knowing your Capricorn man is MADLY in love with you…

And never feel anxious about him again…

Go here now to see how to speak your Capricorn man’s love language. 

Sending you love,

Your sister and relationship astrologer, 

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

11 thoughts on “What If A Capricorn Man Acts Like He Doesn’t Care?

  1. I met a Capricorn man 6 months ago. We met on a dating site, but agreed in friendship 1st. We are long distance but have seen each other twice in person already. I am in love with him. I think he is aware of this but the distance has always been the main issue. He pretty much told me that if we lived closer, a relationship would be a no brainer. He reaches out to me with a call once or twice a week. Recently he told his son about our good friendship & camping trip we took together. This is not sexual at all, so he really likes my company and friendship. I am scared because he was married 35 yrs & divorced 4 yrs. He takes his time & you’re right…friendship is #1. I want to run but I love his friendship and hope that one day we can be together. He is a sweetheart. I do not see signs of a player. I can’t bash him at all. I just wish that we had a definite commitment or plan for the future. Patience is difficult, but I am doing it. Thank you for this article.

    1. Hi Toya L West!

      It sounds like you two have definitely got a chance but to make it happen one of you would have to move closer to each other. It might be a good thing that you’re long distance in the beginning stages. It can help you two get closer without the physical so that when you are together, it will be magical. Goals are good too though. Learn more about what a Capricorn man wants by reading my books Capricorn Man Secrets.

    2. Hi Anna, there’s a certain cap guy in my life I like. I suspect he may have been studying me for quite a few months now – he would always beam with a smile when around, say hi and compliment me. I never realised this until about four months ago when he asked me out for a drink. We talked and laughed all night. I felt like both our mental connection and physical attraction was palpable (no, nothing happened – I’m a virgo so I take my time too). That evening he told he was interested in something between casual and serious (he has recently started a new job, and he shared a few goals with me around that). When he asked me what I was interested in I never replied. At that point I had just broken up with someone who consumed a good couple of years of my life and didn’t want to commit. So, I wasn’t sure myself what I was into. Still am not.
      A couple of weeks later the cap guy asked me for dinner at his place, hinting that I could be dessert. I brushed the comment off – like I said, I’m a virgo and would not rush to be intimate until I thoroughly know the person. We spent another amazing evening together – there were times when I could pretty much finish his sentences. His stare was so intense – it felt like he was trying to see into my soul.
      Unfortunately, he’s been acting distant ever since. On one occasion I’d asked him out for a coffee and then to join me for a walk another time. He declined both. We occasionally meet at social dancing (which is how we met a couple of years ago), we dance and we chat but nothing else. He continues to compliment me (my looks, my dancing, my taste in music). Yet, the last time I messaged him he did not reply and when I followed up he checked the msg but never responded. Due to circumstances outside of our control we could not go dancing for a few weeks and he never reached out. I refused to also. We saw each other again a couple of weeks ago. Again, danced and chatted for a bit (although, it felt like I had to push for a conversation so I left it after a while). Physically I am really attracted to him. I would love to get to know him as a person. He just seems like someone very interesting. Plus, I can’t ignore the intense connection I feel. But again, I’m a virgo. I’m stubborn. So far I refused to reach out. Mostly because I’m scared he will not respond again. I also do want to come across desperate.
      I am just not sure if he actually likes me or if it’s my heart fooling me.

      1. Hi Anonymous!

        Sounds like he just wants to be friends at this point. He may have something going on in his life that’s keeping him from taking the plunge with you. He probably is attracted to you but he doesn’t want to go further as of yet. Give him a bit more time being friends. Try to be the best friend he’s ever had. With time, he’ll see you as more and you’ll know it. Patience is a huge one for Capricorn. You’ve got this!

  2. I met this Capricorn man a couple of months ago (Capri Sun, Capri Moon, Capri Mars, Capri Venus!) and have seen him 7 times since. The first four were official dates but I could sense him pull away after I pushed for a commitment. The confusing part is after he said he doesn’t want to have a relationship with me and would prefer we be friends, he made sure we spent more time together by doing activities and that he bought chocolates for me the last time I met him (chocolates he claimed to have bought right after we fought)?! It’s confusing me!

    1. Hi CattyKnutz!

      Wow he’s really a full fledged Capricorn with all those aspects. To be honest, Capricorn men prefer to be friends first and was probably put off knowing you wanted more when he’s not really ready. Fights are normal, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you anymore. Girlfriend, dive on into that friendship and be the best friend he could ever have and he will likely change his mind and want to be more but be patient if you really want this to work. For more tips, check out my guides on “Capricorn Man Secrets”.

  3. Hi So I’ve Been Talking With This Cap. Man For About 8 Months . When We First Met We Talked All The Time He Was So Sweet & Open He Still Is But Much Less We Dont Talk As Much Sometimes We’ll Talk For A Week Straight Or Barely At All For A Week & He Even Goes Days With Out Contact Until Either I Or He Reaches Out … Aries So Of Course I’m Always Honest & Upfront With Him Says He Likes Me & We Could Have A Future Together Whenever I Ask If He’s Wasting My Time Or Not Continues To Say No & That He Does Like Me Though Whenever I Want To Spend Time With Him Hes Always ” busy ” I Dont Like The Hot & Cold Games Not Sure What To Do & Need Help ! Growing Inpatient Atp & Just Feels Like He’s Playing Games With Me … Any Insight Would Be Great !

    1. Hi Grazie!

      As much as I hate to say it, impatience will be the end if you don’t control it. I know you want everything to go smoothly and easily; Capricorn doesn’t operate that way. They are methodical and they require solitude at times. They’re not good at letting you know when they need it, they just disappear. This is what makes them frustrating. If he’s telling you that you have a future together then believe him. Accept that he will take time for himself when he needs it. Ask him to let you know when he’s going to do that so you won’t worry. Don’t keep asking him if you’re wasting your time thought. He doesn’t like questions being asked over and over. He’ll get worn out and frustrated with it. On the flip side, if you feel he’s playing games then you should call him out and make a decision. I wish you all the luck of the universe!

  4. Hi Anna. Not sure if you’ll see this but… we were (still are) coworkers and he asked me out years ago when I was in a relationship. We became friends over time, and when he learned I was no longer with my BF, he would put out feelers now and then. But I was not in a place to date for quite some time although I was aware I developed feelings. During Covid we maintained a friendly but not in person relationship. When we finally met up in the spring, I realized I did still have feelings and mentioned hanging out. He hesitated as I guess he understandably gave up on me. But we did hang out twice and it went well. He then pulled back a few weeks after a miscommunication and he said I wanted to jump into a relationship even though he wasn’t looking to do so, which I was not. After talking a bit and he mentioned a couple of fears, we agreed to hang out again. But by then my guard was up because I was worried he might think something I’d say or do meant I wanted more than I did at the time. So I was not myself and held back. It felt awkward when we parted and not at all as natural as the first two times. We had limited contact after that and he then sent a text saying he thought we are better as friends. We did speak in person after that at my request and he mentioned he didn’t feel affection for me the third time we went out as he had previously. I did mention I held back because of what he has assumed about me… But during this talk I decided to be open about how I feel about him. He received it but then gave random reasons we likely wouldn’t work like our personalities might not mesh perfectly even though we get along, we would be forcing it now, he doesn’t want to date anyone now and got off the dating apps as he’s good single. But also said he overthinks and maybe needs to mull things over and it seems I would be open if he reaches out… we have had limited contact since, mostly work and he did send me a check in text. I’m not sure what to make of this and am keeping my distance. Any thoughts? I’m not looking to rush anything but figuring out how to proceed as friends or potentially more at some point. Or just walk away although I care greatly about him as a person.

  5. Hi Anna. Not sure if you’ll see this but… we were (still are) coworkers and he asked me out years ago when I was in a relationship. We became friends over time, and when he learned I was no longer with my BF, he would put out feelers now and then. But I was not in a place to date for quite some time although I was aware I developed feelings. During Covid we maintained a friendly but not in person relationship. When we finally met up in the spring, I realized I did still have feelings and mentioned hanging out. He hesitated as I guess he understandably gave up on me. But we did hang out twice and it went well. He then pulled back a few weeks after a miscommunication and he said I wanted to jump into a relationship even though he wasn’t looking to do so, which I was not. After talking a bit and he mentioned a couple of fears, we agreed to hang out again. But by then my guard was up because I was worried he might think something I’d say or do meant I wanted more than I did at the time. So I was not myself and held back. It felt awkward when we parted and not at all as natural as the first two times. We had limited contact after that and he then sent a text saying he thought we are better as friends. We did speak in person after that at my request and he mentioned he didn’t feel affection for me the third time we went out. I did mention I held back because of what he has assumed about me. But I decided to be open about how I feel about him. He received it but then threw out reasons we wouldn’t work like our personalities might not mesh perfectly even though we get along, we would be forcing it now, he doesn’t want to date anyone now and got off the dating apps. But also said he overthinks and maybe needs to mull things over and it seems I would be open if he reaches out… we have gas limited contact since, mostly work and he did send me a check in text. I’m not sure what to make of this. Any thoughts? I’m not looking to rush anything but figuring out how to proceed as friends or potentially more at some point.

  6. I met a capricorn man last week and we spoke alot and had good conversations, he then told me how he felt about me and was straight to the point about what he wants , everything was going amazing we would call eachother for like 5 hours, we are long distance but we both don’t mind since we want serious. that one day he replied to my message and i replied back and he just disappeared, he left my message on delivered for 2 days and he would view my story as im still on delivered and he would be active on social media. i asked him if he was okay and he still left my message on delivered so i just decided to back off and deleted him because i didnt want to keep checking his name and being more upset about it , im so confused i dont know why he just suddenly became distant and quiet , he was also unsure about how he feels i thought maybe thats the reason or maybe because he has feelings for me , but im just upset and confused and dont know what to do , i dont even want to reach out i dont want to make it seem like im obssesive or desperate but im just hoping he reaches out to me its been a week now im trying to have patience but the confusion and curiosity is killing me. everything was going great i didnt say or do anything wrong i was nice kept it casual he just disappeared out of the blue. he didnt even unfriend me back on snapchat and i know he noticed i deleted him. im just confused … he told me how he feels towards me and seemed so genuine i never dealt with a capricorn before , is he distant because he developed feelings or what?!! i just hate when people ghost me for no reason

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